Elden Ring Patch – Boss Radahn Returns to Full Strength


Radahn, one of the main bosses in Elden Ring, was unintentionally generated. The bug has been fixed and all of his power and damage has returned

Star Scourge Radahn is one of the main bosses in Elden Ring and is also one of the most memorable fights in the entire game. However, an unintended nerf befell the boss in patch 1.03, which was fixed on Monday.

Radahn, a gigantic opponent who rides his rather small but beloved horse during the entire fight, is the main boss in the Caelid area. Only with his learned gravitational magic can the horse carry Radahn’s weight. Nevertheless, the power of the boss was unintentionally generated with patch 1.03. The damage of some of Radahn’s attacks was greatly reduced, making the boss weaker than usual.

However, this unintentional nerf was removed again with the patch on Monday, which is why the mighty boss has regained its former strength. Now Radahn hits the players with full strength again and also his unforgettable attack, in which the boss falls from the sky like a gigantic meteor, mows down everything in its path. Those who still manage to defeat Radahn after the fix can look forward to his big rune and there are also some other changes in the game world.

Southeast in Caelid is the Red Mane Castle. A festival for the fight against Radahn is held there. There are several other non-player characters (NPCs) at this location who want to face the boss. The players can get them to help them during the fight in order to take on Radahn together.