Elden Ring: Players make it even harder for themselves, defeat bosses on the dance mat


Though there is no classic dance duel with the bosses of Elden Ring, players nevertheless bring the bosses to their knees with comparably spectacular manoeuvres.

Playing titles like Elden Ring can age you by years. After all, the merciless difficulty level, the tough bosses and far too many lost runes can cause a grey hair or two. But several fans of the FromSoftware game show that you can also keep fit in the Elden Ring – with a dance mat.

Dancing to the Elden Lord

Gamers like the Twitch streamer (PeekingBoo) or Reddit users (Ugoroszczak) not only make their lives harder, but also earn the respect of the community. For both occupy dance mats like those of the rhythm game Dance Dance Revolution with new commands in order to hold their own against the bosses of the interlands.

PeekingBoo shows a video of how this can be used to put the first stumbling block for Elden Ring beginners in their place. His demonstration wouldn’t win any trophies in dance competitions, but victory over the dreaded Tree Sentinel should be reward enough:

Ugoroszczak in turn even manages to bring the very last main boss of Elden Ring dancing to his knees. Be warned of serious spoilers here, of course! If you haven’t played through Elden Ring yet, you’d better pass on the following video, in which the Reddit user finishes the game on a dance mat instead of with a controller:

Fans of Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Sekiro and co. keep setting themselves the most absurd challenges in order to play through their favourite titles. With Dark Souls 3, for example, we already reported on players who dared to play games that are notorious for their difficulty level on dance mats.

In the most recent example, Elden Ring, players are using eleven bananas or a Ring Fit controller from the Nintendo Switch. We fully expect FromSoftware’s community to come up with even more absurd ways to compete in the developer’s latest game.

How do you like the open world title so far and how well have you progressed through it? Let us know in the comments what you think of the curious attempts of other Elden Ring players!