Elden Ring – The Lore and Connections Behind the Main Bosses


The lore in Elden Ring is a complex construct created in collaboration between George R. R. Martin and From Software.

The foundation and basis for the story of Elden Ring comes from none other than Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin. In collaboration with From Software, an interwoven story was created around the bosses in Elden Ring.

Radagon, Marika the Eternal and Godfrey, First Elden Lord

Let’s start with the last boss before the Elden Beast in the game – Radagon. This one is the male half of Queen Marika, the Eternal. She is the vessel of the Elden Ring and is the current ruler of the interlands. However, Queen Marika is also the one who broke the Elden Ring into its component parts. Separated from his female half, Radagon marched into the territory of Liurnia. There he met Rennala on the battlefield.

However, the two did not fight each other, but became lovers and had three children – Radahn, Rykard and Ranni. Radagon had to leave his lover after Godfrey, the first Elden Lord and husband of Queen Marika, was banished from the interlands. The Queen and the first Elden Lord also had three children – Godwyn, Morgott and Mohg. After the banishment of Godfrey, also known as Hoarah Loux, he became the first Defiled.

In contrast, Radagon was recalled to the side of his female half and subsequently married her. Together with Queen Marika, Radagon had two more children, the twins Malenia and Miquella. These, however, are cursed, as both are descended from the same god. After Queen Marika destroyed the Elden Ring, Radagon wanted to repair it. However, it had broken into several large runes and scattered in the interlands, causing a war to break out between the children.

As punishment for the destruction of the Elden Ring, Radagon and Marika were fused back into one body and held under the Earth Tree. In the process, Queen Marika’s dress became the skirt worn by Radagon.

Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Queen Rennala is proficient in Shimmerstone magic and is the master of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. She was the leader of the Glintstone Knights and established House Caria as royalty. Although Rennala was never a demigod, her children were nevertheless appointed as such after Radagon married Queen Marika. She also holds a great rune and thus a part of the Elden Ring. Her lover Radagon left it to her in the form of an egg, which Rennala carries with her in Elden Ring.

After Radagon left the queen, Rennala was broken and this affected her country of Liurnia. A civil war broke out between the Academy of Raya Lucaria and the Carian Royals. However, the Academy also realised that Rennala was ultimately not a champion and rebelled against the Queen. She was then imprisoned in the Great Library and devoted herself to the dark art of reincarnation in order to one day resurrect her daughter Ranni, who had shed her mortal shell.

Rykard, Prince of Blasphemy

Rykard, the son of Radagon and Rennala, lived mainly at Mount Gelmir. There the demigod learned ancient sorceries. After Godwyn was killed by Ranni with a fragment of the Death Rune due to a conspiracy, Rykard received this fragment. As a result, Marika destroyed the Elden Ring and Rykard decided against it by seeking the remaining great runes, which would allow it to be repaired.

By doing so, he defied the golden order, which is the teachings and principles of the Greater Will. This is an Outer God who sent the Elden Beast to the interlands to claim the area for himself. In addition, the Beast later became the Elden Ring. Rykard founded a blasphemous campaign against the golden order and Greater Will.

Never the less, Rykard allowed himself to be devoured by the oldest serpent of Mount Gelmir and fused with it. This gave the boss the appearance he has in the game. Rykard then fed only on his greatest champions and hoped to become stronger so that one day he could also devour gods.

Lady Tanith, his consort, led his army from House Vulcan and offers any worthy champion an audience with Rykard. However, this is a trap and the warriors are only to serve as the boss’s next meal.

Starry Scourge Radahn and Malenia, Blade of Miquella

Radahn was probably the most powerful of all the demigods. This one was even so strong that he commanded the stars and held them back completely with his gravitational magic. The demigod used his powers not only to keep the stars in place, but also to be able to ride his beloved horse Leonard. This was his reason for learning gravitational magic in the first place.

After the Elden Ring was destroyed, Radahn also wanted to become the next ruler of the interlands. From his castle of Redmane, Radahn led his forces against the other demigods. In the end, only his half-sister Malenia and Radahn faced each other. Neither emerged as the clear victor in the battle. Nevertheless, the demigod was poisoned in the process with Malenia’s scarlet rot, which is also the curse of the demigoddess.

This eats Radahn from the inside and has completely destroyed his psyche. However, he still rides along the southeastern coast of Caelid in his full armour, facing any brave warriors who seek to redeem him from his existence. These gather at the festival in Red Mane Castle and face off against the demigod.

His half-sister Malenia, on the other hand, falls into a deep sleep after the battle and is taken to the Halig tree. There she waits for the rebirth of her brother Miquella. However, before he could merge with the Haligbaum, he was kidnapped by his half-brother Mogh. Since then, Miquella has been completely unresponsive in a cocoon.