Elden Ring: The memory needed for the PlayStation


At the end of this month, we will finally be able to dive into the land between and explore the world of Elden Ring. So close to release, the latest images now provide information about the required storage space for the PlayStation.

Many are already assuming that the world of Elden Ring will be huge. This is apparently also reflected in the file size of the fantasy RPG. Leaked images show the covers of the physical version for the PlayStation 4/5 and reveal the size of the game. On the PlayStation 5, the title appears to take up 80GB, while only 60GB is required on the PS4. However, as the size information is for the Japanese version, it is not certain if the German version will also take up as much space.

Recently, Chinese fans have been able to decipher the map of Elden Ring and name some of the towns. This has already given us some interesting insights into the setting.

In addition, Hidetaka Miyazaki gives further insights into the in-between land in an interview with PlayStation. Among other things, he discusses the game’s difficulty level and explains that while FromSoftware deliberately made the title complex. Nevertheless, fans should not worry about the game’s difficulty level. There are various ways to outsmart the bosses and, if in doubt, the possibility to return at a later point in time.

Elden Ring will be released on 25 February for PC, PlayStation and Xbox. For more information, visit the (official website).