Elden Ring: With the survival mod you can now also fight against hunger and disease


You think Elden Ring is too easy? Then you can make it harder for yourself with the survival mod and diseases quickly become a problem.

If you simply slice your way through enemies and huge bosses in Elden Ring, you might find the role-playing game too easy. This can be remedied by mods that can make your progress considerably more difficult. We have already introduced one of them to you in the past, but there is a new candidate.

The well-known Dark Souls modder Grimrukh is working on a survival mod for Elden Ring that does exactly what the name suggests: it adds new mechanics to the role-playing game that are otherwise only known from popular survival games. And you don’t have to wait too much longer for the mod.

When the little hunger comes to Elden Ring

Grimrukh, who previously worked on the Dark Souls mod Daughters of Ash, published a first teaser video for his Survival Mode for Elden Ring on Twitter. But first see for yourself:

What does the Survival Mode offer? Of course, true to its name, the modification adds classic survival mechanics, such as hunger and thirst, which you have to quench regularly. To do this, you can go hunting, collect meat and even process it into suitable recipes via the crafting menu.

But you don’t stop the mod yet. Instead, for example, depending on the region, there are different diseases with which you can become infected. You will then have to craft appropriate cures to protect yourself from further infection.

In addition, the mod introduces new crafting options, such as the possibility to make a dagger. Later on, you can upgrade this to a short sword and then even to a long sword with further recipes. Grimrukh promises over 400 new weapon recipes that will be added with the help of the mod.

Last but not least, the Survival Mode makes the nights really dark. From now on, you will need torches to see further than a few metres and not be surprised by enemies.

When will the modification appear?

If you now feel like trying out the mod, you only have to wait a few more days. According to Grimrukh, Survival Mode will be released next Monday, 6 June, after a premiere livestream. After that, anyone who is interested can download the mod and try it out.

Moreover, you don’t have to activate all the features during the installation. For example, if you don’t like dark nights at all, you will be able to deactivate them.

If, by the way, survival is not your thing, but you would like to have a freer co-op mode, then there is also a remedy. With a special modification, up to four players can explore the world of Elden Ring together and defeat bosses.