Encased in the test: The role-playing game you will recommend to your friends

Encased game

The science fiction role-playing game goes even further than the oldschool fallouts in parts. Only in one respect is the title stuck in the past.

Everyone has that one friend who annoys you over and over again with their favourite role-playing game. And no, I’m not talking about calibres like The Witcher or Skyrim here. I’m talking about those little RPGs that are lost in the mass market, but are actually “totally cool”, to use that friend’s words.

Games like Age of Decadence, for example. Or Underrail. Or Atom RPG. Games whose visuals are rather off-putting, which don’t often make the headlines, but which, according to your friend, make up for their weaknesses in presentation with great qualities in content. You just have to give them a chance! Maybe in the Steam Sale, here now super-cheap, come on, pleaseeeee ….

In the future, you could be that friend who gets on the nerves of those around you. That is, if you play Encased. A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG is the subtitle and thus sets the course for the expectations of the inexperienced player. After the test, however, I would now have a more appropriate subtitle for Encased: “The Fallout Wasteland I always wanted … Dude rad, how awesome is that, there’s so much in it, and you can do that too, wow, I never would have thought that!”

I promise you: If you’re basically interested in oldschool role-playing games and fancy a slightly different interpretation of the well-known Fallout apocalypse, then you’ll be pulling out Encased in future whenever your friends ask for game recommendations beyond the mass market. And certainly when they haven’t.