Epic is now offering an extremely creative agent game for free, in which all tricks are allowed


There is another free game in the Epic Store that is one of the most creative hero shooters ever.

Actually, the gaming world has been drowning in new hero shooters for years, and we’ve had more than enough extraction shooters by now. But when a well-known concept is implemented in a really creative way, it can still be a lot of fun!

This is exactly the approach of the new free game on Epic Games.As every Thursday, the offer rotates and then remains for a week. During this time, you can get the new game into your library with a single keystroke and then keep it forever. All you need is a free account on the Epic Store.

For the current offer, you have time until November 14 at 5 p.m.

To grab it, you can simply follow this link here:

(Epic Store Free Play Deal )

This Week: Deceive Inc.

Developer: Sweet Bandits Studios – Genre: Multiplayer Shooter – Release: March 2023

Some mad genius at the development studio Sweet Bandits must have wondered what would happen if you mixed Overwatch with Among Us and garnished the whole thing with a dash of GoldenEye 007. The result is Deceive Inc. – a rather extraordinary hero shooter about a series of master spies.

In Deceive Inc., you go solo or team up to hunt for a special briefcase that is well hidden and heavily guarded. Initially, it’s all about gaining access to the building where the briefcase is located. To do that, you’ll have to disable several security doors. After that, you have to infiltrate the building unnoticed, grab the briefcase, and finally make a quick getaway with it.

But if you just shoot your way through, you won’t get far.You are spies, act like one!That means you disguise yourself as NPCs and try not to attract attention. At the same time, you use each character’s amazing gadgets to outsmart your opponents. The rule here is: no trick is too dirty!

You set traps, manipulate electrical devices, spy on your surroundings or transform yourself into a potted plant. It’s light, kind-hearted agent action. This mix did well on Steam and currently has 85 percent positive reviews

However, it is only played by a relatively small number of people on Steam.And the free offer will presumably increase the number of concurrent players, which should at least temporarily improve the multiplayer experience.

In addition to Deceive Inc., a skin bundle for Apex Legends is also being given away this week on the Epic Store. There you get the legend Ash unlocked for free and an epic skin called Burning Chrome. But this will probably only be of interest to people who regularly play in the Battle Royale.

We’ll be back next week to report on the new free games!