Eternights: In this action game you go on dates – and then the world ends!


Every one of us probably has a story ready to tell about a date that went horribly wrong. But it will never have gone quite as badly as it did in Eternights, where you first flirt by every trick in the book until the world comes to an end!

No, you haven’t read it wrong: In Eternights the world is on the brink of apocalypse. And when could love play a bigger role than shortly before the destruction? The reason for the gloomy future prospects are humans who suddenly turn into monsters and destroy the planet.

You go in search of a cure while trying to end up with the person of your heart along the way. Oh yes, and of course there are battles. They are fast-paced and full of effects, but you can see for yourself by watching the trailer!

You can find more information about Eternights on the (Steam product page).