Evil West gives glimpses of the co-op mode


In a new trailer for Evil West, Focus Entertainment and Flying Wild Hog introduce the co-op mode of Evil West. This shows that slaughtering scary monsters is even more fun when you can do it together.

Evil West will be released for PC, PlayStation and Xbox in exactly two weeks. Developer Flying Wild Hog is using the remaining time to provide you with insights into the co-op gameplay of the splatter adventure. As explained in the new trailer, you can play the campaign alone or with another person. Both players will slip into the role of Jesse, with only the host advancing the story. At the same time, the challenges in multiplayer increase, providing enough work for the double load of Jesse Reindeer.

Users of the co-op function can coordinate their equipment and weapons to inflict as much damage as possible on the approaching hordes of monsters. Thanks to the wide-ranging equipment system, this gives you numerous combinations at your disposal.

Evil West will be released on 22 November for PC, PlayStation and Xbox. The splatter adventure in Wild West style can still be pre-ordered on the (official website). PlayStation gamers can currently take advantage of a discount on the PS5-exclusive Signature Edition.