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Wurbelfitz’ Workshop. This is the name of the new Hearthstone expansion that will be released on March 19. Once again, GlobalESportNews has the pleasure of presenting five previously unreleased Demon Hunter cards. Will Illidan make it back into the meta?

With the latest expansion “Wurfblitz’ Workshop”, developer Blizzard is reaching deep into its bag of tricks… sorry – toy box.

The newly announced card set is teeming with miniature figures, wondrous tools and magical gadgets combined on a total of 150 cards that give the inn a colorful festive look to mark Hearthstone’s tenth anniversary.

As usual, each of the eleven character classes will receive a total of ten new cards. Once again, GlobalESportNews has the pleasure of exclusively presenting five of these cards in the case of the Demon Hunter

Any more to come besides support?

It starts with a 2 mana undead minion called Team Spirit, which has 0/3 stats and stealth on the first turn after being played. In return, it gives the hero a permanent +2 attack as long as it remains on the field

Apart from the fact that the team spirit brings a certain hidden taunt factor to take away the opponent’s additional +2 attack in the turn, there is little good to say about the new card. The Demon Hunter simply has too many better cards that give him both attack and usually another side effect like carddraw or something similar. If Illidan actually had to resort to Team Spirit at some point, it would simply be a sign that the Demon Hunter’s card pool is in an extremely poor state.

The next minion doesn’t blow you away either, but it seems to be at least partially useful. We’re talking about Balleber. A 4 mana spiked liver minion with 3/3 stats, the keyword life drain and a battle cry and death rattle effect that deals 3 damage to the opponent with the lowest life.

4 mana for guaranteed 6 damage, which equals 6 life for you, is strong. The Balleber can also act as soft removal when played. Depending on whether there will be a deck for Demon Hunter that is based on Death Rattle and/or control effects, the Balleber could definitely find a home.

Conclusion: 6/10

The next card also includes a life drain effect: The Workshop Accident is a 4 mana demon spell that deals 5 damage to a minion and drains excess damage to neighboring minions. If you play the spell as an outsider card, it gains life drain.

In its own right, this is a good card that, in the best of all cases, sweeps three enemy minions off the field and provides you with nine fresh life points at the same time. However, it’s more of a card for controlled, slow-playing decks. An archetype for which the Demon Hunter is not necessarily known at the time of its appearance in Hearthstone.

Conclusion: 6/10

A character class sees red

With the latest expansion, Blizzard is bringing back some familiar mechanics from the past. This includes the so-called “Spellstones”, which can be gradually upgraded in your hand via certain actions. In the case of the Demon Hunter, these are spell opals A 2 mana Spellstone that lets the player draw a card when they play it.

If the spell opal is attacked twice or four times while it is in the player’s hand, the number of cards drawn with the spellstone is first increased to 2 and then to 3. The spell opal is therefore a useful, albeit rather unspectacular draw engine for the demon hunter.

Conclusion: 8/10

The last card presented here is also the most exciting: A 1 mana costing spell called Red Card that makes an opponent’s minion inactive for two turns. Basically an extremely cheap hard removal spell that doesn’t have to fulfill any conditions to be played and could be the answer to anything that can’t be resolved immediately.

An annoying Minion with a taunt that prevents the Demon Hunter from striking the decisive blow? Red card!

A Titan that scales completely out of control if left on the field too long? Red card!

There are countless examples where the new spell could be a welcome immediate aid. Especially with a character who is known for playing deck archetypes that initially stall the opponent forever, only to destroy them with a single, targeted blow.

Conclusion: 8/10