Exodus: Fans have been asking for gameplay for months, now the developers are reacting


Exodus is the new single-player sci-fi role-playing game that hopes to follow in the footsteps of greats like Mass Effect and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. After all, Archetype Entertainment has already brought some of the former developers of these high-gloss titles on board.

Two of them, James Ohlen and Chad Robertson, took questions from the community in a Q&A. They addressed topics such as whether all missions in the game will contain important decisions, how closely the game is tied to the book series, and how your character develops in the story.

The question of when we will finally get to see a gameplay trailer is also addressed, albeit with a rather sobering answer. According to this, there is already a planned date for a gameplay video, but the developers cannot reveal anything yet.

A release date for Exodus has not yet been announced, but it will be released for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.