Exoprimal: Dino action causes mixed feelings


Capcom released the online shooter Exoprimal yesterday. Although the title sounds like a childhood dream come true on paper, it can’t quite convince the community

Fighting hordes of dinosaurs in cool robot suits sounds like a wish we remember from childhood. Capcom’s developers probably approached Exoprimal with a similar thought in mind. But unfortunately, this nostalgic joy of playing is not shared by many community members.
The reviews on Steam are correspondingly mixed.

First and foremost, Exoprimal is criticised for the fact that the gameplay feels very fast repetitive  In addition, many criticise that the PvE mode of the Dino Survival campaign is not really PvE. Even if you don’t fight other players directly, you still compete against them with the aim of completing the missions faster. However, this fact was explicitly addressed (during the showcase), so we can only partially understand the criticism on this point.

In addition, many are dissatisfied with the fact that they have paid almost 60 euros for a game that only offers sparse story content and a paid Battle Pass.