Fall Guys: New patch released, this is in it


Mediatonic recently released a new patch for the wacky battle royal game Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. Among other things, it makes changes to the back-to-back games and tweaks some of the values. The patch notes can be found in the announcement.

While the Dataminer are currently digging through the files of Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout for interesting hints, the developer studio Mediatonic continues to work on improving the Battle-Royale game. The fruits of these efforts are now available for download in the form of a new update, whose changes we of course don’t want to withhold from you.

After installing the update, it will no longer be possible to run so-called back-to-back games in Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout – Mediatonic has put a stop to this. Furthermore, the Valve costumes are now also available for the PlayStation 4 in the store. In addition, the developers have made some adjustments to the number of players and a time limit to optimize the gameplay experience. Here is an overview of all changes:

Patch Notes for Case Guys: Ultimate Knockout

– Valve costumes will now be available in the store on PS4
– Max player count for Fall Mountain is now 15
– Team Tail Tag and Royal Fumble timer is now 1:30
– No more back to back team games

The developers are currently working on further updates and new content and features for Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. Among other things, a level editor for the wacky Battle Royale game is under discussion, which would allow players to create their own maps and other creations. Although such a tool does not categorically exclude Mediatonic for the future, it does point to the enormous effort that such a project would entail.