Fallout fans are convinced: A detail of the series confirms the canon end for Fallout 4


For a long time, the official ending for Fallout 4 was a mystery. Now fans believe they have found an indication of which ending Bethesda considers canon. The Brotherhood of Steel plays an important role in this

Loved by some, hated and feared by others as ruthless fanatics. Hardly any other faction divides the minds of Fallout fans as much as the Steel Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood also plays an important role in the new Fallout series from Amazon. One of the main characters, Maximus (Aaron Clifton Moten), is an aspirant at the beginning of the series and is very impressed when one day a powerful Brotherhood airship floats in on his base.

This very airship could now answer one of the most important questions Fallout fans may have been asking since the release of part four&nbsp: Which ending is canon?

After the sighting of the airship in the first episode, a discussion has broken out among Twitter and Redditusers as to whether this is the Prydwen, the Brotherhood’s flagship from Fallout 4&nbsp. They came up with this idea after some resourceful fans saw the scenes with the airship greatly enlarged.

For some fans, this suggests that only the Brotherhood or Minutemen endings of Fallout 4 can be considered canonical  This is because in all other endings (Railroad and Institute), the Prydwen will inevitably be destroyed as you have made the Brotherhood your enemy. Therefore, if you join the Railroad or the Institute, they will demand that you destroy the airship.

If this is indeed the Prydwen, it would mean that the Brotherhood survived the end of Fallout 4 alive and that the ship still exists nine years later, in the year 2296. In this case, the Brotherhood would have gained significant power after the destruction of the Institute.

However, this would contradict information from the US magazine Vanity Fair, which reported before the release of the series in November that it was another Brotherhood airship called Caswennan This would keep the discussion about the correct ending of Fallout open. And Bethesda would also still have room for maneuver for the development of Fallout 5.

Is both correct?

A conciliatory theory would be that both sides are right As one Reddit user noted, both names come from the legend of the English King Arthur. Both refer to his ship and were used equally

Other users suspect that the Caswennan is a ship that was built from parts of the destroyed Prydwen  This would lead to the reverse conclusion that one of the other factions won at the end of Fallout 4. So there is still a need for discussion here, even among fans.

What do you think? Do you think the airship from the series is the Prydwen? Do you think this concludes the discussion about the canon ending of Fallout 4? And which ending would you have liked to see as canonical? Let us know in the comments below: