Fallout series: The first photos from the set should look familiar to many fans


It has been known since 2020 that Amazon and Bethesda are producing a Fallout series. But now there are first pictures that apparently show a filming location

While the upcoming series in the world of Tolkien”s The Lord of the Rings is already in the starting blocks and caused more positive voices with the last trailer, another big project from Amazon is simmering away far more unnoticed. We are talking about the Fallout series announced for 2020, which is to be developed in cooperation with the publisher Bethesda.

So far, there have been neither images nor trailers of the American post-apocalypse. But recently several photos and video footage surfaced from various sources that probably show a set of the series. And this is what many fans will recognise.

First pictures spread end time mood

Several videos have been uploaded to YouTube showing a Super-Duper-Mart, a shopping market from the Fallout universe and most likely part of the set of the series. The markets have appeared in all games since Fallout 3 so far, providing no possible clue as to the location.

More images of the set, which appears to be near New York, have also been uploaded on Twitter. There is no official information yet on the set or when filming will start, but rumour has it that filming has been going on since June 2022.

What is known about the series so far?

There is still very little information about the project. We don”t know where the series is set, which characters appear or what the plot revolves around. All that is known is that Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan, who were both significantly involved in Westworld, are working on the Fallout series. In addition, some of the actors appearing are already known.

How do you like the first pictures from the set of the series? Does the set give you Fallout fever, or are you sceptical until you learn more about the project? Feel free to write your opinion in the comments!