With Far Cry 6, Ubisoft’s shooter series goes into the next round. We tell you everything you need to know about the release, story, gameplay, open world, system requirements and co-op.
Far Cry is like a holiday. With explosions. Ubisoft’s veteran shooter series almost always takes us to exotic locations where we shoot down everything that doesn’t grow on trees.
This is also the case in Far Cry 6, the new part of the open-world shooter, which is scheduled for release in 2021. In the following article we will tell you all about the latest information on Far Cry 6 and what you can expect from the shooter.
That’s enough for an overview, but you can read everything about the open world, story, weapons, shooter gameplay and more in detail in our play-by-play preview, for which we tried out Far Cry 6 for seven hours:
Played Far Cry 6 for seven hours: This open world has everything but guts
Table of Contents
The most important info about Far Cry 6
Release: When will Far Cry 6 be released?
Far Cry 6 will be released on October 7, 2021. Originally, the game was supposed to be available in shops or online in February 2021. In November 2020, however, Ubisoft postponed the release indefinitely.
Ubisoft cites problems resulting from the ongoing Corona pandemic as the main reason for the postponement. Not only Far Cry 6, but also Rainbow Six: Quarantine, for example, was postponed by the publisher – and Ubisoft games are not alone in this.
Watch out for alleged Early Access invitations!
It seems to slowly become a habit: After Capcom regarding Resident Evil 8 and Blizzard because of Diablo 2: Resurrected had to draw attention to scam attempts around their own games, Ubisoft follows suit. The publisher confirmed to DSOGaming that fake invitations to an alleged Early Access version of Far Cry 6 are in circulation.
Already in February (via GameRant), similar emails, scam attempts and warnings (the latter from YouTuber TheRadBrad, for example) were doing the rounds – the phishing attempts were sometimes even made via official Ubisoft addresses. Ubisoft advises to ignore such mails and assures that the in-house security team is getting to the bottom of it.
Just a heads up to all content creators. There is an email from the official @Ubisoft address going around that claims beta access to Far Cry 6. It even has an embargo with a special password for access. The virus watches your screen and records everything you do. Be safe.
— theRadBrad (@thaRadBrad) February 18, 2021
Platforms: What is Far Cry 6 being released for?
Far Cry 6 will be released for the PC, Playstation 5, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox Series. An upgrade from the last-gen to the next-gen consoles should be possible. On Playstation, this is usually done via a free update, while on Xbox, Microsoft’s Smart Delivery feature takes effect.
On the PC, by the way, the Epic Games Store and the Uplay Store have top priority for Ubisoft. This means that Far Cry 6 will also be available for sale exclusively on these two platforms at release.
Fans therefore do not need to expect a release on Steam: In August 2019, Ubisoft stated that the Valve platform would continue to be left out after The Division 2 marked the beginning of the Ubi/Epic collaboration.

Pre-Order: What editions are available?
Pre-Order Bonuses: You can already pre-order Far Cry 6. Those who are already itching to get their hands on the game can look forward to the so-called Libertad package: this contains an additional outfit for the dachshund companion Chorizo and the exclusive weapon “Discos Locos”.
Editions: Far Cry 6 is available in four different versions, each of which comes with its own gimmicks or in-game content. The individual versions of Far Cry 6 differ as follows:
– Standard: Contains the main game – costs around 60 euros
– Limited/Gold: Contains the main game and additional digital content, costs approx. 70 Euro
– Ultimate: Contains the main game, the Season Pass and the Ultimate package with additional digital content – costs approx. 110 Euro
– Collector’s: Includes the main game, Season Pass, Ultimate Pack and a bunch of physical goodies – costs circa 200 Euro
Pre-Order Bonuses
Collector’s Edition
DLC and Season Pass: What happens after launch?
At E3 2021, Ubisoft announced first information and even a trailer about the post-launch plans of Far Cry 6. According to this, the Season Pass will let us take on the roles of three major Far Cry villains:
- Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3 in DLC Episode 1 “Vaas: Madness “
- Pagan Min from Far Cry 4 in DLC Episode 2 “Pagan: Control “
- Joseph Seed from Far Cry 5 in the DLC episode “Joseph: Collapse “
How are the DLCs related to the main game? There is no official information on this at the moment. However, a prequel comic series to Far Cry 6 could possibly shed light on this: In the course of three lessons, villain Anton Castillo enlightens his son Diego about three powerful men and their stories: Vaas, Pagan Min and Joseph Seed.
Details on the scope, duration and price of the Season Pass or the DLCs for Far Cry are currently not available. However, the Season Pass is included in the Gold, Ultimate and Collector’s Editions, among others – in addition, there is the trashy 80s homage Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and the following bonus content for the main game:
- Outfit: Blood Dragon equipment pack
- Two weapons: AJM9 and Kobracon
- Vehicle: Omega Enforcer
- Weapon trailer: KillStar
- Quadruped on call: K-9000
- Chibi vehicle: Blood Dragon Chibi
Story: What’s Far Cry 6 about?
Far Cry 6 is set in the fictional South American state of Yara, where dictator Anton Castillo – also known as El Presidente – rules over the population with an iron fist. Together with his son Diego, he wants to help his country return to its former greatness. He grows his own cure for cancer – as a means of exerting pressure against other countries and knowing that the plantations exploit the workers and make them sick.
Because the dictator has so little regard for the inhabitants of his country, he provokes a civil war in the midst of which we find ourselves as players. Dani Rojas actually just wants to get away, but by unfortunate chance ends up on the island of Yara and joins the guerrilla fighters there who want to liberate the country. Dani can be male or female and has basic military training, which comes in handy for the resistance. At his side, we take back Yara territory by territory.

Actor: How do we know the villain?
As Far Cry 6’s villain this time around, Ubisoft has snagged a true acting heavyweight from TV: Giancarlo Esposito embodies the diabolical dictator in Far Cry 6, whom fans of series like Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Boys or The Mandalorian might know.
Incidentally, Anton’s father in Far Cry 6 was once El Presidente of Yara himself. In the course of a revolution, however, he was executed before Anton’s eyes, which is why he grew up believing that his homeland had been unlawfully taken away from his own family.
After Yara had fallen into disrepair over 50 years, Anton saw this as proof that only he could restore his homeland to its former glory. So he managed to get himself elected El Presidente and punished any resistance with ruthless violence.
Furthermore, Anton is obsessed with the idea that his own son Diego will eventually follow in his footsteps. So Anton grooms Diego to succeed him as ruler of Yara.
Old acquaintance: Is Vaas returning from Far Cry 3?
Even before Far Cry 6 was announced, rumours circulated the net that we might see Michael Mando (Better Call Saul, Spider-Man: Homecoming) back in Far Cry 6 as villain and fan favourite Vaas Montenegro.
Fans suspected that Far Cry 6 could be a prequel to Far Cry 3 and that Anton’s son Diego could be Vaas. However, there are a few arguments that speak strongly against this theory. First of all, there is an official prequel comic to Far Cry 6 in which Anton tells his son Diego a story about Vaas. That actually puts the theory to rest.
But in the meantime we also know: In the Season Pass of Far Cry 6 we slip into the role of well-known Far Cry villains. Vaas is also among them. Perhaps that’s exactly what Michael Mando teased in person when he revealed that his Far Cry 3 villain will return.

Map and open world: where is Far Cry 6 set?
Open World: The game world includes the island of Yara with several areas, as well as a small island that functions as a tutorial. As Dani, we travel from area to area, ally with the resistance fighters, expand rebel camps and liberate buildings such as factories or bases from Castillo’s soldiers in order to capture resources or take out air defence systems.
The areas have different levels. You cross them with vehicles, aircraft or even horses. Visually, Yara is based on Cuba. So we not only fight our way through the jungle, but also get to see sandy beaches with palm trees.
The capital: The heart of Yara is occupied by the capital Esperanza, which militants of the revolution call “the lion’s den”. No wonder, after all, Anton Castillo resides in the heavily guarded city. We have not yet been able to visit the city itself. But it is a novelty for the series, which is why it remains exciting to see how the gameplay works in the narrow streets.
In the course of the plot of Far Cry 6, we should slowly but surely fight our way to Esperanza. In the process, it is essential to collect good equipment in order to stand up to tougher opponents.
It is currently unknown how big the map of Far Cry 6 will be exactly. However, Ubisoft stated that Yara will be the “largest map in Far Cry history to date”. This video provides an overview:
Yara is no tiny island. Lead Game Designer @DavidGrivel speaks to the size of the #FarCry6 map in our latest video! pic.twitter.com/UolhtXQSEZ
— Far Cry 6 (@FarCrygame) June 28, 2021
Gameplay: How does Far Cry 6 play?
Action and stealth: Far Cry 6 wants to give you a lot of freedom when infiltrating and conquering – but this is not only positive. Because every path is supposed to be valid, the shooter plays very simply, at least in the early hours:
– You can scan enemy camps, sneak, deactivate alarms and take out enemies from behind with a machete so they don’t call for reinforcements.
– Or you can storm in with your weapon and animal companion and create a big mess. This does not really put you at a disadvantage. On the contrary, exotic weapons like the Supremo backpack with guided missiles or a rifle that shoots razor-sharp CDs are more likely to motivate you to go for it.
– The shooter gameplay nevertheless promises a pleasing amount of depth: you can modify your weapons, which is reminiscent of the weaponsmith from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s multiplayer, and change ammunition depending on the enemy type.
“Social Stealth“: Far Cry 6 wants to give you more freedom in exploring the game world than in previous games. For example, the game allows you to put your own weapon away so that enemies don’t automatically attack you if you get too close. This makes exploration much easier.
Open World Activities: In addition to the cinematically staged main missions, you can also complete side missions – small stories about the inhabitants of Yara, which reward you with a new animal companion, for example. In the tradition of the prepper hideouts, you can also go on treasure hunts to find rare weapons. Otherwise, you’ll be busy liberating bases or hostages along the way, hunting, fishing or simply letting yourself drift.
Vehicles: We can explore the open game world of Yara on foot or behind the wheel of cars, on boats or on horseback. There are even tanks as a means of transport. Which one is best depends on the situation, taste and terrain.

– Crafting and Gadgets: Weapons, cars and even Dani’s outfits – in Far Cry 6 you get to screw with just about every piece of equipment you go into battle with. The trick is that Yara is rather isolated from the outside world, so there is hardly any modern technology. That’s why the resistance fighters know how to help themselves with all kinds of creative creations such as CD launchers and the like.
– “Supremos“: These are special super weapons that Dani carries around on his or her back. The Supremos come in the form of mobile anti-aircraft guns or devastating artillery mortars and only recharge themselves after a mission. So they are a kind of ultimate or super attack.
– Wear: Those who still remember Far Cry 2 might have been branded by this feature. But don’t worry, in Far Cry 6 your weapons are not planned by jamming – nevertheless there is a kind of wear and tear of your resources. Silencers, for example, become less efficient after too much use. The solution to this? Buy or craft better silencers or simply economise better.
– Companions: The companion system of previous Far Cry games is also back in Part 6: On Yara, your companions are called “Amigos” and they are exclusively animals! For example, the cuddly dachshund Chorizo, the tamed wild cat Champagne, the killer croc Guapo or the aggressive rebel goat Chicharron.

Character Editor: By the way, there is no prefabricated character: thanks to an editor (as already in Far Cry 5), we determine the gender and appearance of our game character ourselves, but it will always go by the name Dani Rojas.
Cutscenes: In contrast to previous parts, however, we are to have more of our main character, in that cutscenes will not be shown from the first-person perspective, but from a third-person view.

Third-person perspective: You don’t only see your specially created character with your chosen outfit in story cutscenes. You always explore guerrilla bases from a third-person perspective
No arcade mode and map editor: Unfortunately, Far Cry 6 does without the arcade mode and the map editor, which we were last able to play in Far Cry 5. Ubisoft justifies this decision by saying that they had to concentrate primarily on the story campaign during development. There was probably not enough time and resources for the arcade mode and the map editor.
Gameplay: How does the co-op work?
Far Cry 6 will once again have a co-op campaign: As in the predecessor Far Cry 5, you can once again go out together in co-op and complete missions or open-world activities together. Whether and how your progress will be taken over
PC version: What are the system requirements?
Ubisoft has now published the official system requirements for Far Cry 6. And they are surprisingly high – according to our hardware editors, you’ll have to screw together a monster computer for high resolutions including ray tracing and even be well equipped for Full HD:
Far Cry 6 system requirements: You’ll need a real monster PC
You can also see which graphical improvements the PC version brings along in the trailer:
What questions about Far Cry 6 remain unanswered for you at the moment? What do you think of the information published so far? Let us know in the comments.