Far Cry 6 trailer shows the graphics advantages of the PC version

far cry 6 pc version

Far Cry 6 will be released on October 7, 2021 for the PC, Playstation 4 and 5, the Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One, as well as Google Stadia. The new trailer for the Ubisoft shooter now focuses entirely on the version for the home computer – and what graphical advantages it brings with it. Specifically, there is talk of ray tracing, fidelity fx and “improved graphics” in general. If you want to know what kind of hardware you need to be able to cope with all this, then take a look at our article on the system requirements for Far Cry 6.

Far Cry 6 system requirements: You’ll need a real monster PC

You can read more about Far Cry 6 in general in our preview of the game:

Played Far Cry 6 for seven hours: This open world has everything but guts