Farming Simulator 22: HORSCH mal!


This morning GIANTS Software announced a new expansion for Farming Simulator 22. The HORSCH AgroVation Pack features 14 new machines from the titular manufacturer and a new map.

The HORSCH AgroVation Farm is actually located in Kněžmost, Czech Republic. But for the latest expansion of Farming Simulator 22, GIANTS Software has digitised this environment true to the original.
Here you can go to work with the 14 new machines  Whether soil cultivation, seedbed preparation or sowing – your new helpers from HORSCH will support your work. Here is a list:

– Avatar 12.25 SD (Seeder)

– Cultro 9 TC (Knife Roller)

– Cultro 12 TC (Knife roller)

– Cura 24 ST (harrow)

– Finer 6 SL (Seeder)

– Joker 8 RT (Disc harrow)

– Maestro 9.75 RX (precision seed drill)

– Maestro 24.50 SV (precision air seeder)

– Partner 1600 FT (front tank)

– Pronto 3 DC (Seeder)

– Pronto 6 DC (Seeder)

– Taro 6 SL (Seeder)

– Tiger 8 MT (Cultivator)

– Transformer 12 VF

The HORSCH AgroVation Pack will be part of Farming Simulator 22 from 25 July  This will be followed on 14 November by the release of the (Premium Edition) boxed version for all platforms.