Fast travel and respec for Drova: Update 1.1 makes many players’ dreams come true in the 2D Gothic game


The studio Just2D has been reviewing player feedback over the past few weeks. The new update for the role-playing game is based on this feedback.

The first content patch is just around the corner. Just two weeks after the release, developer Just2D delivered a comprehensive patch for the role-playing game Drova: Forsaken Kin. This included, above all, many bug fixes.

With the update 1.1, content changes are now coming. Find out what the developers have to say about it here. Further down, you will find the patch notes as usual.

Relief is unlocked through quest chains

On Steam, Just2D announces the release of the patch There, the studio points out that the update was created based on feedback from the community. In a video lasting a good seven minutes, the developers then go into individual changes.

We summarize the most important ones for you here:

  • Fast Travel: Many people would have liked a fast travel option, which is why this feature has now been added. However, to be able to use it, players have to complete a quest series. At the end of that, traveling merchants will be unlocked, between which you can then move around in the world of Drova.
  • Respec: In the future, it will be possible to reset skills that have already been learned. The respec system is also linked to a quest line. This allows you to earn a special potion. By taking it, your character will “forget” their talents.
  • Positions of NPCs: With the update, the various NPCs are now listed in the character’s journal. There is also a rough indication of where the character is. This can at least narrow down the search for one or the other NPC.

In the further course of the video, the developers address other topics, such as the controls or tutorials.

Just2D is currently working on the Insane patch. Among other things, this should introduce a new level of difficulty. In addition, enemies should become stronger and some of them should get new attacks.

The Insane patch is scheduled for release at the end of December 2024. After that, another update titled “The Flesh Rises” is planned to be released, which will bring new challenges. However, according to the roadmap, this is not expected until March 2025.

Patch Notes


  • Quest series and NPCs added for fast travel
  • New item added to reset skill points, quest starts with Aidan
  • Legendary sling added!
  • A warning message now appears before entering the Red Tower, indicating that there is no turning back
  • More dialogue has been added to NPCs in the Bandit Mine when entering from the outside
  • Added dialogue to various NPCs in the Bandit Mine if you meet them outside of the mine
  • Added an option to rescue Cay but keep the Spark
  • Added an option to buy the relic from Boris
  • Modified the Sanctuary dialogue for the warning and added responses later in the game
  • Modified the dialogue before the Spark ceremony to better reflect the implications for the world
  • You can now only collect money from Mog in Act 1
  • Reworked the rings you can give to Locke in Nemeton
  • Added the ability to purchase faction armor from the blacksmith of each faction
  • Added a preview of faction armor when you first select it
  • Modified some Journal entries for “Your Very Own Runestone”
  • Added dialogue with Asmus and Humbert after the Fire Festival
  • Added training fight with Farina after obtaining the Runestone
  • Repositioned Leru in the jungle
  • Changed diary entries during the expedition in the moor
  • Added a hint to Meluna where she can find Bady later
  • Added a way to warn Almar about the pickaxe scam
  • Added additional hints for the vandalism quest in Nemeton and made Adwin’s behavior more obvious
  • The letter from the Mikesch master can now be given to Boris
  • Tristan’s map can no longer be found before chapter 2
  • The locations where blessings are granted have been decorated to better match the descriptions
  • A workbench has been added to the tavern in the forest
  • Clues for the music puzzle have been added to the library
  • Chaos Spirits now despawn after being looted
  • Changed journal entry for “Fish for Dunja” task to clarify the objective of the task
  • Improved Baltus’s routine after unloading debris in the Bandit Mine
  • Improved Foglet AI when the player leaves the fog area
  • Changed Eugene’s response after defeating Farlan when trying to get his vote
  • Digger Pigs now play an intimidation animation
  • Added a sound to the transformation of the silver spear in the library
  • Added new animation for piglets
  • Added new rotting state for cattle rats
  • Improved the laughing animation for humans
  • Custom arena fights can now be rigged
  • Added a new crow’s feet sprite after triggering
  • Changed the way the roof fades on Aidan

GUI changes

  • The rebinding system has been reworked to provide more customization options
  • A new category has been added to the journal to make it easier to find and remember people in the world
  • Names of people and creatures added when looted
  • Added more markers that can be placed on the map
  • Added a new map of the caves below Remnant Camp
  • Added a new menu to view (or re-watch) tutorials from the pause menu
  • Added new icons for items in the inventory and merchandise menu to indicate learned recipes and spells
  • Optimized all mini-games
  • Added “perfect” timing for the “mining” mini-game
  • Changed the way the fishing mini-game works
  • Added more save slots (PC only)
  • Added a shortcut to trigger the camera zoom from within the game (PC only)
  • Added shortcuts to in-game menus (inventory, journal, etc.) to switch between tabs without clicking (PC only)
  • Added equipped ammo counter in inventory
  • Added help for learning GUI to show how much prowess has been learned
  • Changed how attributes are displayed in the learning GUI after the limit has been reached
  • Changed how the number of your own items is displayed in the crafting menu
  • Added segments to the focus bar for better readability
  • Changed the colors of the riddle runes to match the clues in the world
  • Improved controller navigation to the trade menu
  • Improved controller navigation to the crafting menu
  • Improved controller navigation to the journal menu
  • Added option to toggle hardware accelerated mouse icons
  • Added option to disable auto-aim with controllers
  • Added option to change the color of your own group health bars to assist with red-green color blindness
  • Added more autosave intervals to the options


  • Adjusted the regeneration time of enemies to give more time to intervene
  • Poison now also reduces physical armor by 30% while active
  • The names of “Execution” and “Bloodlust” have been swapped
  • “Bloodlust” now also inflicts bleeding. Additional damage per stack reduced from 50% to 35% and focus cost reduced from 50 to 40
  • “Blindside” now quadruples critical strike chance instead of adding 25%
  • “Poisoned Tip” now only has a 50% chance to poison instead of 100% chance to poison
  • “Piercing Strike” focus cost reduced from 70 to 60
  • Fire Call base damage per tick reduced from 150 to 120
  • Spear secondary attack deals less damage but now generates focus
  • The Focus Catcher talisman triggers a bit later to avoid activating it even when canceling spells
  • More rewards for betting in the arena
  • Adjusted item prices
  • Added experience points for little spiders
  • Increased chance of arrow recovery

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where worms would not die properly when they returned to the ground
  • Bird sounds at night have been fixed
  • Fixed a bug where opening letters from the inventory did not work if the diary was never opened
  • Fixed a scaling issue with the quickslot items
  • Fixed a bug where Boars would get left behind after the Diemo fight
  • Fixed a collision issue that was preventing interaction with a palisade in Nemeton
  • Corrected many typos
  • Fixed many obstacle collision issues
  • Fixed an unintended Mistepath entrance to the Primeval Forest
  • Fixed an issue with the “A Good Beginning” achievement sometimes not triggering after loading a save game
  • Fixed a bug in a cutscene where Aidan does not interact properly
  • Fixed a bug where arena fighters did not start with full health
  • Fixed a bug in the dialog with Delani where she kept talking about the bandits at the bridge
  • Fixed a bug where players could get unlimited rewards from Fulk after finding the body
  • Fixed a money bug that occurred when borrowing money from Friedel
  • Fixed a dialogue bug with Antonius where he would always say the same thing
  • Corrected a dialogue with Bernold after joining a faction
  • Corrected some quests at Georgefarm after chapter 2 – some are now cancelled
  • Fixed a bug in the teaching dialog with Fritjof after you have learned everything
  • Fixed a bug where you could receive a letter from the board in Nemeton twice in different chapters
  • Removed some items from the counter in the Remnants Tavern