Finally PS3 games on the PS5? I’ve been waiting over 10 years for this


Playing PS3 games on current consoles? A dream I never thought would come true – until now

“I certainly won’t miss the new generation!”. I must have thought something like that when the PS4 replaced the PS3. Because I never owned the third iteration of the PlayStation series and have long regretted it

A full eleven years ago, on November 11, 2013, the PS3 was made virtually obsolete and since then rumors about backwards compatibility of new Sony consoles have been boiling up every now and then. So far without good results, but there are new rumors

Rumors speak of PS3 games on the PS5

What happened?In his videocast “Game Mess Morning”, industry insider Jeff Grubb revealed that he claims to have learned earlier this year that Sony is indeed working on a backwards compatibility feature for the PS5.

At the time, he allegedly assumed that Sony would announce this soon, but things turned out differently:

“It clearly hasn’t happened, but that doesn’t mean it never will-maybe it will happen. “

In addition, Grubb emphasized that Sony has been working on the feature “for quite a while”.

But the rumors don’t just come from Jeff Grubb. The XboxEra podcast also provided information on the allegedly planned feature.

According to insider Shpeshal_Nick, it could even be possible for us to insert physical PS3 titles into the PS5’s drive and start playing.

What’s wrong with that?It’s difficult to emulate the PS3 on other hardware. Even on Sony’s own consoles. In short, this has to do with the fact that the CELL microprocessor in the PS3 had very special features that, from today’s perspective, no longer have much to do with the architecture of the newer Sony consoles, as reported by Digitaltrends

Backwards compatibility is not only important for pure nostalgia

Why?Because there are simply too many titles that are still worth playing for me and probably countless other gamers today, but have never been released on other platforms. If that doesn’t change soon, some PS3 games might disappear from the scene for good too.

Because games can also be lost, as theVideo Game History Foundation writes According to the organization, 87 percent of video games between 1960 and 2009 are no longer available on modern platforms.

This is not only unfortunate from the perspective of the individual player, but also in terms of the entire gaming culture.

The Foundation itself compares the situation to movies: “Imagine that in order to watch Titanic, you had to find a VHS tape and a suitably intact VHS player and cherish it from now on so that you could continue to watch Titanic in the future.

Unfortunately, this is the current situation for many video games. Including for many PS3 games.

Accordingly, I hope that the eleven-year wait won’t turn into twelve. So that my inner child will soon be smiling brightly when it finally gets to play Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction.