“For the Emperor” – Warhammer fans only have one reaction to Space Marines in Monster Hunter Wilds


A Reddit user has brought the legendary Space Marines to life in Monster Hunter Wilds – without any mods.

An Ultramarine hunting monsters? That’s exactly what Reddit user Visperian has done with the Monster Hunter Wilds character creation – and the community is celebrating him for it with a mixture of awe and, of course, lots of Warhammer memes.

With a cleverly colored armor set, Visperian created a homage to the iconic Space Marines from Warhammer 40,000 – complete with a matching Palico partner who could be called Prowler Sicarius if the community had its way.

In the name of the Guild, I cast you DOWN!
byu/Visperian inMonsterHunter

For the Emperor!

Some could hardly believe it and initially thought the outfit was a mod. But Visperian’s Ultramarine was created purely through the decorative armor system. Thanks to the flexible customization options in Wilds, a whole new form of Fashion Hunting has emerged here – with heavy power armor, decorative shoulder plates and divinely distinctive chins.

Numerous Reddit users post their own variants, showing off their own characters or fine-tuning their very personal Heretic Hunter look. The names of the builds? Chadriel, Cat-o Sicarius or simply… John Warhammer 40K – all ready to strike fear into the hearts of the xenos.

Above all, one battle cry has particularly impressed the fans: : FOR THE EMPEROR! is heard every second under the post – and many surely dream of one day ending up in an online lobby teeming with Astartes cosplayers.

If you now feel like creating your own Space Marine, you can of course use the layering option in the game.

Or you can simply import the armor code TP7GX8LR5485 into your game, which Visperian shared in the comments after the success of his Reddit post.