Forspoken shows off its gameplay features in new video series


The release thriller for the fantastic adventure game Forspoken has been dragging on for a long time. So that fans don”t lose sight of the most important features of the game, Square Enix has started a Deep Dive series. The first video in the series deals with the nimble abilities of protagonist Frey.

Magic – and magic parkour in particular – are not something you learn overnight. Frey Holland, the protagonist of the upcoming adventure Forspoken, has to learn this the hard way. In order to make faster progress in the wild expanses of the magical land of Athia, Frey can unlock various skills during the course of the game. What starts out as “magical jogging” eventually develops into massive jumps with which the protagonist can cover great distances. The latest video tells you more.

The next Deep Dive video is scheduled for release on 3 November. This one deals with the basics of Frey”s magical abilities. This will be followed by an exploration of Athia on 10 November. In the meantime, you”ll learn everything you need to know about the missions and challenges that the magical realm has to offer.

On 24 January 2023 

Forspoken is scheduled for release on PC and PlayStation 5. With this magical adventure game, developer Luminous Productions implements its philosophy of combining technology and creativity to create fantastic gaming experiences. We can”t wait to experience this fusion.