Free at Epic: Who are the two free games worth it for?


Do you prefer pensioner wedges or a whimsical adventure game? This week Epic is giving away two totally bonkers games and we’re finding out if they’re worth your time

This week Epic is giving away two free games again and rarely have they been such absurd titles. Here are the two games with download links at a glance:

(~) Paradigm is a very funny adventure game with grotesque pictures and no less than five alternative endings. Download the game (here).

(~) Things get even more bizarre in the multiplayer sandbox Just Die Already, which lets you stumble through a not entirely serious dystopian future as a daredevil pensioner in which no more children are born. You earn the money for your care with wild stunts and bloody slapstick fights against other old geezers. You can get it for free here.

The most important information on free games

(~) Until when are the games free? From 28 April until 05 May at 5pm, you can grab both gifts. They will remain with you permanently afterwards.

(~) What’s inside? There are no content DLCs for either game, so you’ll also get everything there is to own about the two titles.

(~) Is this for you? In the rest of the article, as usual, we rank who this week’s free game is for and show you gameplay from both titles.

What to expect in Paradigm

In this truly unique adventure game, you embody the eponymous mutant Paradigm. A reject from a designer baby genetics lab, he was abandoned in a run-down Eastern European city and hardened by its rough streets.

Instead of following his dream of becoming the best electric musician ever, he must become an unwilling world saviour and thwart the plans of the equally genetically engineered sloth who vomits candy.

In the release trailer from back then, the likeable anti-hero introduces himself to you:

Narrative-wise, the point&click adventure full of 80s charm is not stingy with adult themes and black humour. The dialogue is so wacky and unspent that no mutant eye remains dry.

Developer Jacob Janerka sends you from one lovingly and grotesquely designed setting to the next in his adventure, which he has passionately developed alone over many years, to get to know one weird character after another.

From the sex-addicted chatbot to the life-weary water cooler, everything is represented that you have never met before in an adventure game.

And if grotesque creatures and vomiting enemies make your heart swell, but you prefer to play role-playing games instead of adventure games, Death Trash might also be worth a look.

How to play Just Die Already

Just Die Already is a completely absurd and at no point seriously meant pensioner hunt that puts you in the role of up to four senior citizens, alone or in co-op, who have to cause as much chaos as possible in the urban environments without losing their heads.

Your rickety bodies are highly fragile and one wrong step or careless blow by a fellow player can cost you an arm and a leg. However, this can’t stop you, instead it gives your movements blood er… emphasis by means of exaggerated red fountains.

The “you can do anything, but anything can also break you” mechanic coupled with the wacky weapons like a banana shotgun or your own limbs provides regular laughs through its unpredictably hilarious consequences alone.

The whole thing was developed by the designers who already created the wacky Goat Simulator and the relationship can hardly be denied on closer inspection. Since its release a year ago, the game has also been expanded to include a free PvP mode.

But regardless of whether you already feel like half a pensioner or still like a young whippersnapper, you’re guaranteed to have a great time in our debate between the different generations of gamers in the editorial department:

For whom are the free games suitable?

Paradigm may be a rather unknown adventure game, but thanks to its sparkling wit, the unusually ugly (and at the same time likeable!) hero as well as the unused setting it is worthwhile for all those who don’t run away screaming at the word point&click.

Just Die Already also offers some really tricky challenges that can provide you with a few entertaining hours. However, it only has real laughing potential when played with friends, which you should definitely bring along, as the regular player numbers have been in the doldrums for some time.

But there’s hardly a better opportunity than a giveaway campaign to motivate a few fellow players to take a look. Here is the link to the overview of all the free games at Epic:

(Click here to See All free Games)

Did either of these titles inspire you to get your hands on them? Feel free to let us know in the comments which one you chose!