Free at Epic: Who is the new game gift worth it for?

‎Epic is giving away Yoku's Island Express

Epic is giving away Yoku’s Island Express. Behind the unassuming name lies an unusual game principle. We present the free game to you.

Epic is also giving away a game this week: In Yoku’s Island Express you control a dung beetle that moves through a pinball game world. You know: pinball, that borderline antique machine game, not the friendly dolphin.

The promotion runs from 2 to 9 September 2021, and if you grab the game during this period, it’s permanently yours. Here we introduce you to the title in more detail and clarify who we would recommend the game to. Small spoiler: All players!

What Yoku’s Island Express is all about

As dung beetle Yoku you have an important job: parcel delivery! And because the whole game world is a giant pinball machine, you roll up and let the pinball fingers catapult you over boards and through tracks. This is how you traverse the world and reach your goals.

Yoku’s Island Express is a mixture of pinball, platformer and Metroidvania. The latter game element unlocks new areas by learning new skills with Yoku or acquiring gadgets. All we can say is: party flute and snail sucker!

The game comes in a cute graphic style with lovingly designed animations and tells a light-hearted little story that revolves around a slumbering deity. Small, because you’ll have played through Yoku’s Island Express after no more than eight hours.

Suitable for whom?

We recommend Yoku’s Island Express to you if you like creative and unusual game design. And for free, it’s worth a try for most.

By the way, players agree with our perception: On Steam the game, which was released in 2018, achieves an extremely strong 97 percent positive player rating. By the way, you can also try out a demo there.