Free from Epic: One of the best board games of all time for PC this week


Terraforming Mars is considered one of the best strategy board games of all time. Now you can get the PC version for free from the Epic Store.

As every Thursday, a fresh free game awaits you in the Epic Games Store this week. This time, fans of strategy and board games get a real highlight, because with Terraforming Mars one of the best board games is waiting for you in its PC version.

This is Terraforming Mars

Those interested in board games will certainly know the name: The tabletop Terraforming Mars was released in 2016 and is currently the fifth most popular board game according to the users of In first place, by the way, is Gloomhaven.

You can now get the digital version of Terraforming Marsat the Epic Store.As the CEO of a space company, you’ll compete against other corporations, all vying to turn Mars into a habitable planet.

The digital version of Terraforming Marsis now available at the Epic Store.

They’re using vast amounts of resources and innovative technologies to raise the temperature, create an atmosphere to breathe in, and cities and oceans full of water – in other words, everything we humans need to survive

But how does it play? Terraforming Mars is a turn-based mix of card and board game. From your initial capital, you buy cards that grant you various resources or bonuses when played.

You can see exactly how this works in practice in the trailer.

Strategic approach is important: Some cards can only be played when certain temperatures prevail or a certain oxygen level has been reached. More powerful cards, which grant you a lot of resources or particularly strong bonuses every turn, naturally have higher requirements

In order to outdo your competitors, you must have collected the most victory points at the end of the game, which you receive for building particularly challenging projects.

For whom is it worth downloading?

Terraforming Mars is worthwhile for all those who like to play strategy titles in which quick reactions are not important Instead, you have to come up with a basic tactic in the buying phase of the game cards and adjust it again and again in the course of the game

Even connoisseurs of the board game template will get their money’s worth here, because the computer takes over some tedious tasks such as counting resources.

However, you also have to be frustration-resistant: Many players complain that the PC conversion is still plagued by quite a few bugs more than four years after release. Sometimes the user interface is said to freeze, other times the entire game crashes

(Click Here to Download!)

Do you know the board game template and will now also get the digital version? Or do you just want to find out why thousands of players are so excited about it? Write us in the comments!