Free on Steam: Unreal Physics wants to show you what”s possible with Unreal Engine 5


Unreal Physics wants to “push the boundaries of Unreal Engine”. You can now find out whether this works on Steam and in the Epic Store

What developers can do with Unreal Engine 5 at the limit can often only be marveled at in pictures or videos. However, Unreal Physics is a collection of tech demos in which you can play various scenarios in a 3D sandbox yourself. The levels show you what the UE5 is capable of in terms of physics

All information about Unreal Physics at a glance

Platforms and Download: Since March 24th you can download Unreal Physics for free via Steam or of course in the Epic Games Store after all, Unreal Engine 5 is developed by Epic.

Scope: There are currently 46 different levels that demonstrate and combine different functions of physics systems.

The following trailer gives you a first impression of the sandbox experiment:

What exactly can you test in Unreal Physics?

The game is mainly about the simulation of liquids and the destruction of objects. The whole thing should of course look as realistic as possible

You can try out how fast flowing water, volatile and thick smoke or viscous lava react to the movement of objects or your character, among other things.

In other levels, you can shoot at walls or panes of glass with machine guns or a rocket launcher and observe how the destruction affects the material and what traces the projectiles leave behind.

However, it is not a game, emphasizes the developer Jilted Generation Productions. It is intended to be “a showcase for innovation, creativity and the impressive power of physics simulations “

For example, one level demonstrates how the interaction of physics systems and effects can lead to the most realistic fire possible 

If you are interested in more background information on the development of Unreal Physics, you can watch a devlog by the developer on Youtube&nbsp.

Whether for new projects such as Marvel 1943 linked above or mods for existing games: Unreal Engine 5 sometimes leaves people open-mouthed. What do you think of the opportunity to take a closer look at the physics systems in Unreal Physics? Is this kind of realism in games important to you? Let us know your opinion in the comments.