From skincare to pop star? Valkyrae plans singing career


Valkyrae has been known for the scandal of her Skincare range in recent weeks. But now she’s venturing into the music industry.

Rachell “Valkyrae” Hofstetter is a well-known American streamer. She most recently made headlines with her failed skincare line RFLCT. But now she has found herself a new project.

Entering the music industry

A number of YouTube and streaming stars have already decided to try their hand in the music industry. Valkyrae has now also made this decision. In a stream, she talks about how she has already been in contact with others and that they are also enthusiastic about the idea. It is to be an own song, not a cover. She also says that the song will be “nothing crazy, but something original”.

The inspiration for such a project may have come from her cameo appearances in other music videos. She could be seen in Bella Poarch’s video for her song “Build a B*tch” and in “Daywalker” by Machine Gun Kelly and Corpse. So Valkyrae seems to have contacts to industry personalities as well. In addition, fellow Stream member Natsumiii, who is also musically active, has tried to get Valkyrae to record on several occasions. Perhaps she has been persuaded by her now.

Some fans are confused, however, because Valkyrae has often claimed that she cannot sing. In this clip, however, she can be heard for a short time.

However, it is still unclear when her song will finally be released. In any case, your subscribers will be happy to hear this news.