From Valhalla to the Orient – The next Assassin”s Creed is to be set in Baghdad


In Ubisoft”s new stand-alone, we are rumoured to be immersed in the world of Basim and follow him to the Middle East.

What was originally planned as an expansion to Assassin”s Creed: Valhalla seems to be bigger than expected after all. According to (Bloomberg) insiders report that the new AC game, code-named “Rift”, will revolve around the Assassin”s Creed: Valhalla character Basim and will be set in his native Baghdad. Contrary to its original planning as DLC, “Rift” is rumoured to be a full stand-alone game, making it the next big release in the popular series.

The speculations have not yet been officially confirmed. However, José Araiza, the producer of Valhalla, mentioned in an interview that fans of the series can look forward to more content with Basim.


Furthermore, it is speculated that the game will not be a big open-world RPG as usual. The focus will rather be on the stealth mechanics and also the map will be limited to a smaller area in contrast to Valhalla.


An official release date is not yet known, but it was announced in the livestream for the 15th anniversary of the game series that more about the future of the franchise will be announced this September as part of a special event. It can be assumed that Rift could be released either at Christmas this year or in spring 2023.

Along with several expansions for Valhalla and the announced live service game Assassin”s Creed: Infinity, there is definitely a lot to look forward to in the future for fans of the popular series.

However, Bloomberg journalist Jason Schreier denied previous rumours of an Assassin”s Creed instalment set in the world of the Aztecs in a Reddit post. Neither “Rift” nor “Infinity”, which is expected for later, will address this issue as things stand.