Games worth over 600 euros for 16 euros: New deal at Humble has it all

Mafia, XCOM and Bioshock at Humble Bundle!

For a small amount of money you can get a whole load of top 2K games like Mafia, XCOM and Bioshock at Humble Bundle. And a portion of your money will go to a good cause.

The Humble Bundle currently has an offer you can’t refuse. Okay, you can refuse, of course – an allusion due to the dirt-cheap Mafia Definitive Edition, but I couldn’t resist. But it’s not just Mafia: you can get a lot of 2K games for a fraction of the actual price on the sales platform right now – and the bundle also serves a good cause.

How exactly does the sale work?

The Humble promotion is not like most other deals: It’s not just discounted select games that you can buy individually. Instead, you’ll get different bundles of titles depending on how much you want to spend.

We summarise the games with the different bundles:

For 1 Euro you get these games:

  • X-COM: Complete Pack: Here you get the old strategy classics X-Com Apocalypse, Enforcer, Interceptor, Terror From the Deep and UFO Defense. You can find the more recent X-COM games in the 16-Euro-Pack.

  • Army Men RTS: In the real-time strategy game you command plastic soldiers around.

  • Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack: In the World War II shooter from the year 2000, you have to be strategic or you’ll quickly perish.

  • Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire: The second instalment in the 2003 series is even more popular than the first.

For 10 euros you also get these titles:

  • Duke Nukem Forever Collection: You shoot your way through the monsters as the super cool Duke like there’s no tomorrow. The DLCs are included.

  • WWE 2K Battlegorunds: Animated everything looks fake – but maybe it’s the sport! In the wrestling game you fight with John Cena and the Undertaker. With the Ultimate Brawlers Pass you also get more than 75 WWE stars and legends to be perfectly prepared for the ring.

  • Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum: You manage the train traffic here, expand your rail network and hopefully do it quickly. Haha.
  • Railroad Tycoon 3: In the sequel from 2003, you do … pretty much the same thing, but in nicer!
  • Sid Meiers Railroads: And here too the music plays on trains, but this time from 2006!
  • CivCity: Rome: Rome wasn’t built in a day – but you might make it in a few weeks! The 2006 city-building simulation still seems to be going down well with fans on Steam
  • The Golf Club 2019 featuring PGA Tour: Here you can compete in the golf championship and win the FedExCup.

    For 16 Euro you get all the previous games plus the following:

    • Mafia Definitive Edition: The remake of the popular first part is not only more beautiful, but also plays better.
    • BioShock: The Collection: Including BioShock 1, 2 and Infinite. The single player shooters always tell a creative story with many plot twists.
    • Sid Meier’s Civilization 6: The real-time strategy still enjoys great popularity six years after its release.
      Whether your skill in Civ shows how well you can manage in real life!


    • XCOM: Ultimate Collection: This also includes the latest X-COM titles, i.e.: XCOM: Enemy Unkown, XCOm 2 with all DLCs and expansions as well as XCOM: Chimera Squad.
    • Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe: The co-op shooter is full of wit, violence and wicked weapons.
    • PGA 2K21: More golf! Nothing more really needs to be said about it.

    If you’re all excited and want to grab it now, the following link will take you to the offer:

    (Click here to Huble action!)

    All games together have a value of 671 Euro, but you can get them all for just 16 Euro. You can also pay more and donate extra money to charity

    Donate for a good cause

    Because the action has a nice background: A part of the proceeds goes to the US-American Covenant House, which provides shelter, food and other goods for people in need, especially children. You can find out more on the (Covenant House)

    This is not the first time that

    Humble Bundle has done something like this: An overview of the charitable purposes of the sales platform (can be found here).

    What is particularly transparent is that you can set yourself how much of your amount will be donated:  On the right side of the offer you can click Customize Donation on Custom Amount and distribute yourself how much of your money goes to 2K, Humble Bundle and Covenant House. Take 2 will even waive your money entirely if you prefer to donate. Humble, however, can never go completely empty-handed and keeps a certain percentage.

    If all these games are worth more than 16 euros to you, you can also pay more and thus donate more money to the charity. You can also see who has donated the most on the bottom right of the website.

    Will you take advantage of this offer? Which game in the bundles do you fancy the most? Feel free to post it in the comments!