Gaming giant launches attack on WoW: New MMO Tarisland heralds release


The Chinese mega corporation Tencent (League of Legends, Path of Exile, CoD Mobile) is launching a promising newMMORPGTarislandhas been available since June 21, 2024 and dares to attack the domain of World of Warcraft.

With a fantasy setting, a classicclass system(there are warrior, paladin, priest, bard, mage, ranger, barbarian fighter, shadow sword fighter or phantom necromancer) and typical tab-target system, the new online role-playing game is clearly fishing in the WoW waters.

In addition to story content, events, dungeons and raids, the developers promise above all achallenging endgamewith a constant supply of new crunchy boss opponents – up to 60 per year! But not everything is available right from the start: During the launch week, content will only be unlocked gradually and the level cap will be raised bit by bit.

Tarisland isFree2Playwith an optional subscription model: For around 6 euros per month, you receive convenience benefits such as more XP in the Battle Pass and automatic fishing.