Genshin Impact: First tests show how much the game fascinates the world


Press & players are mostly enthusiastic about the Free2Play game, as our rating chart shows.

Genshin Impact came as a complete surprise to many players and impressed already on the first day with its picturesque Open World, exciting fights and a sophisticated class system.

In the meantime, some game magazines and users have been checking out the RPG and have made a judgment. The first test ratings are mostly positive and clearly show that the game already inspires in many places – even if not everywhere.

The press reviews of Metacritic have an average score of 89 points, whereas the user score is slightly lower with 8.0. On OpenCritic, the average press rating is 83 points.

Exciting fights & Gacha system
The Positive
Nearly all publications praised the large open world and the special graphic style of the game. The fights are fun and are described as exciting and creative. Especially the combination of different elements and the different playing style of the characters convinced many critics.

Especially praised:

– Playable free of charge
– Beautiful Open World
– Creative & exciting fights
– Successful Soundtrack

Garri Bagdasarov of PlayStation Universe, for example, writes:

“Genshin Impact is a free game that offers more content than most full-priced titles. With so many options, it’s easy to get lost in the lush world, the fun and exciting combat, and the exploration of the game world. Genshin Impact is certainly one of the best surprises of the year and should be a model for how future Free2Play titles should be built”.

The Negative

The game got criticism for the bland story. Furthermore, the tough grind is criticized in many places later in the game. The Gacha system (which is similar to Lootboxing) more or less provided most of the discussion material: To unlock a strong character or to get hold of a legendary weapon, the chances are infinitesimal. But you don’t have to invest real money to get through the game. Moreover, there is still far too little to do in multiplayer, the tenor says.

Especially criticized:

– Gacha system
– Too few multiplayer options
– Much Grind in the Endgame
– Average Story

For example, the User Chakrom summarizes on Metacritic:

“Soundtrack and image are first class. The gameplay is pretty stale. The AI is not intelligent and the game is far too simple. A character customization does not exist. Only the weapon appearances can be changed. Characters can only use class specific weapons. There is not much to do in the game except to pay for other characters and equipment, or grind.”