Genshin Impact: The 5 most important changes after update 1.1


The first major update for Genshin Impact has arrived and delivers a lot of new content. We will tell you the five most important changes.

In the early morning of November 11, 2020, the long-awaited update 1.1 for Genshin Impact was released. Meanwhile you can download the 12.2 GB patch. But how exactly do the numerous announced changes really affect the game? And can they improve some of the points we think are the biggest problems of the title?

1. more endgame thanks to reputation
The most important innovation of the update is clearly the new look. Because it gives you much more gameplay content that is not hidden behind the time-limiting primal resin system. This addresses one of the biggest criticisms of version 1.0. In the endgame, many players logged in for a maximum of one hour per day to complete their daily tasks and use up their original resin.

What is behind it? Many of the old tasks will increase your reputation in the cities of Mondstadt and Liyue. In addition, there are completely new quests that also improve your reputation. In total, you can climb eight different ranks in both areas. Not only will you have more to do in the game, you will also receive useful items and unlock new skins.

How exactly reputation works and which rewards you get at which rank is explained in our big introduction to the system.

2. enriched resin: No time? No problem!
The second big change is the new Enriched Resin. Whether or not it is worth it, however, depends on your playing style. For those who are really intensely involved with the game, very little will change. On the other hand, if you have only little time for Genshin Impact, you will be happy about this change.

What is behind it? Thanks to the new patch, you can make enriched resin. This costs 40 primal resin, a crystal core and 100 Mora. You can own up to three of these at once and then use them in one of the domains or during “Thriving of the Elements” instead of the normal primal resin to receive double the reward.

The item thus allows two things: You can accumulate more primal resin when you are not playing and at the same time you have to spend less time farming. This is a very good addition for all those who don’t find that much time to play.

In our guide we explain where you can farm the crystal cores that are important for the enriched resin the fastest.

3. healing without fumbling
You will receive numerous Quality-of-Life items via the new reputation. But while things like a temporary teleport point or a radar for the Anemoculus and Geoculus are nice, there is one clear, albeit somewhat unlikely star: the handy Food Pouch No. 30.

What is behind it? With the food bag you can heal yourself in the middle of a fight without having to click through menus as before. This is especially worthwhile in co-op mode. In contrast to the single player, the game continues to run while you navigate your inventory. This also gives you more freedom in team building in the future. Because instead of a dedicated healer you can simply pack heilitems.

4th end of the first story chapter
The history of the game ended somewhat abruptly in version 1.0, just as the conflict was coming to a head. Those who were interested in the story were left with a cliffhanger. Update 1.1 provides a remedy and ends the first chapter of the game.

What is behind it? You will not only visit the Jade Palace of Ningguang, learn more about the death of the god Rex Lapis and meet other characters like Keqing. The chapter also ends with a big boss battle, which you can repeat every week.

How does it continue after that? The end of this story arc also means that the release of the second chapter is nearing. And that will be fundamental to the game. Because with it the third big city and with it a new culture will be introduced together with more characters. Chapter 2 will lead you into Japan-inspired Inazuma. But it will take some time until it appears. The developer confirmed to us that the game will be released with version 1.4 at the earliest.