Gladn Age 4 is called Dreadwolf and the release is later than hoped


Finally there is new information about the upcoming role-playing game: The next Dragon Age has revealed its title and logo. And they already reveal quite a bit.

The curtain has fallen, Dragon Age 4 has revealed new info. For example, that the role-playing game is not called Dragon Age 4, but Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. We also got to see the official logo for the first time and, more importantly, there is news about the release. We summarise everything important and tell you below what the title reveals about the story and setting.

This is what’s new about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

Title: So the official name is Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. As with Inquisition, no number appears in the title and there is definitely a specific intention behind it. But more on that below.

Release: Fans will have to be brave for once, the blip will pass quickly – Dreadwolf will definitely not be released in 2022. That would have been a very optimistic expectation anyway, but EA should now have brought even the most hopeful among you down to earth with this clear announcement. There is no exact time frame, but 2023 could be realistic. We’ll let you know as soon as details emerge!

About the logo: The picture is not particularly spectacular, of course we already know the font from the predecessors. What’s new is that the letters look like they’ve been carved out of ice. And the background in bright purple immediately catches the eye – of course we also have an interpretation for this, which we reveal below in the article.

What else is new? Even though the title itself already gives it away and we have long since seen it in teasers, the developers have once again explicitly confirmed that none other than Solas will be our antagonist. If you have played Dragon Age: Inquisition, you are now nodding your head knowingly. Everyone else can imagine him as an ancient, rebellious elf god who wants to return the world to its former state – at any cost!

Although the release is still far away, there should at least be a lot of concrete info about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf soon. And that will be in the course of 2022, as the new blog entry reveals. It’s about time, because leaks are already filling in a lot of gaps in the information.

Hidden details from the announcement

Surely some fans are disappointed who have been eagerly awaiting the next Dragon Age for years, because today only the title and logo could be seen. But at least there are still some details hidden in it that only shine out at second glance.

  • Also for newcomers: The fact that it’s not called Dragon Age 4 is surely because the developers don’t want to scare off newcomers. The blog also says that you can also start with this title first. This in turn means that we are guaranteed to get a new main character (this has already been officially confirmed) and explore a new part of Thedas – definitely Tevinter, as is also already known. But maybe we’ll also end up in completely different places.
  • Necromancy and Blood Magic: The colour of the logo also clearly refers to the setting in the mage empire of Tevinter. More specifically, to necromancy and other blood magic arts, such as those used by our former companion Dorian. The colour associated with him was precisely this purple.
  • The Nothing: We already know from Inquisition that Solas created the veil that separates the material world and the Nothing, i.e. the world of spirits and demons. With a little imagination, the logo can easily be interpreted to mean that this border is gradually crumbling – which would certainly fit in with the plans of our former ally and is guaranteed to cause tremendous chaos in Thedas.

How do you like the title and setting of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf? Are you loyal fans of the series or are you considering setting foot in Thedas for the first time? Feel free to let us know in the comments!