God of War: First PC mods are here, but players dream of something completely different

God of War

No sooner has God of War been released for the PC than the first mods have appeared. They are still of a technical nature, but CJ.

is already on the horizon.

Since last Friday, God of War has finally been available for the PC – and has caused quite a stir there. Not only did the port of Kratos’ adventure convince in the (GlobalESportNews-Test), but also (international) and above all with the players themselves.

The Santa Monica Studios development team has visibly succeeded in the implementation. But of course there is still a need for adaptation among PC players – and the first mod developers are already actively helping out. The offer is still limited in terms of variety, but there could be a lot more in the future.

The mods are already available.

The first mods for God of War

Fancier graphics with Reshade

On the PlayStation 4, God of War was already a real eye-catcher and on the PC nothing has changed, despite four years difference. The Nordic world presents itself just as pretty in the port. Those who still need a little more graphics power or simply a different lighting mood will find what they are looking for on (Nexusmods) or (SweetFX).

Thanks to numerous so-called reshade modifications, you can add a few post-processing effects to God of War or change them afterwards. These include colour corrections, slightly altered lighting effects or a sharper image.

As an example we use the (Reshade GOW Regrade) from the modder William252555. In the video you can see the differences between the original and the ReShade.

Wider field of view

Although God of War offers some customisation options, there is no setting for the Field of View (FoV). If you still need an extended field of view, you can help yourself with the free programme (Flawless Widescreen). Despite its name, the application works not only for widescreen monitors, but also for conventional 16:9 resolutions.

After installing the programme, you can search for the God of War plug-in using the search field. The required files will be downloaded automatically. Afterwards, you can activate the fix via a menu and set the Field of View between a value of 0 and 50. Here are a few comparison pictures:

It should be mentioned, however, that with a larger Field of View there may be graphical problems in the cutscenes. In this case, you can temporarily deactivate the fix by pressing the key combination.

Disable depth of field

Another option that God of War does not offer is turning off the depth of field. However, there is already one (Modification of Poponos) that simply deactivates the effect. You can also switch the graphics option back on again by pressing a button.


The wish for CJ from San Andreas

Of course, all these mods are only a beginning – after all, God of War has only been available for the PC for a few days and official mod tools are not yet available. Nevertheless, there is already a desire among some players for something different. More precisely: for someone else who has become a permanent meme on the internet in recent years:

We are of course talking about Carl CJ Johnson, the protagonist of GTA: San Andreas. A mockup by Twitter user Marcos RC already shows how CJ could look in God of War. There is no mod yet that replaces Kratos with CJ, but the image is making its waves nonetheless.

At the same time, there are more fan wishes of this kind: How about Yoda and Baby Yoda, for example, or Thomas the Locomotive as a replacement for the World Serpent? Should it be possible to exchange character models in God of War in the future, some modders are likely to rub their hands vigorously.