Google Stadia is being discontinued, cloud gaming doesn’t work – Even developers didn’t know


The cloud gaming service Google Stadia will be discontinued early next year. This one seems to have convinced too few people.

With Google Stadia, users:inside were able to play high-quality triple-A titles without a console or the latest graphics card. However, Google announced on Thursday that it was shutting down the cloud gaming service after just three years.

Google Stadia didn’t end up running as successfully as Google had hoped. (In a blog post on Thursday) the vice president and general manager of Google Stadia, Phil Harrison, announced that the service would be discontinued due to a lack of interest from the players:inside.

However, some developers seem to have only learned about the discontinuation of Google Stadia through Harrison’s post. Some of them had planned new video games for the cloud gaming service before the end of the year.

In addition, Google Stadia users will receive a full refund of all Stadia hardware purchases made through the Google Store. Likewise, all purchases of games and add-on content that ran through the Stadia Store will be refunded. Until 18 January, players will still have the chance to return their games to the library.

Delays cause difficulties

At any time, Google Stadia users could play games on all kinds of devices, such as laptops, smartphones or PCs. With cloud gaming, the game runs on a separate server and is streamed to the end device via the internet. Because of this, there is a delay, especially in online games, which can cost victory in shooters, for example.

Google Stadia also had to assert itself against other providers who even link the service with other services. By means of the Xbox Game Pass, players can also use their cloud gaming and thus have access to countless titles.