Gotham Knights: This is how badass Red Hood is


He is probably the most brutal member of the Bat-Family and does not shy away from using the most brutal weapons. Red Hood showcases his fighting style and supernatural prowess in the latest Gotham Knights gameplay trailer.

What wears a red mask and strikes down his enemies without batting an eyelid with his two firearms ? That’s right, Red Hood. The latest Gotham Knights gameplay trailer shows you how tough Jason Todd is on Gotham City’s crime-fighting beat. But the muscle-bound anti-hero doesn’t just know how to use his two guns. After dying a violent death and being resurrected in the Lazarus Pit, Jason has supernatural abilities like the Mystic Leap. However, these abilities give him a very fickle disposition, making it difficult for him to keep his temper in check.

But Warner Bros. Games isn’t just dishing up news about Red Hood. At (IGN) the developers talk about the ice-cold Mr. Freeze and his freshly developed concept. In Gotham Knights, the villain does not stand alone in the way of the Bat-Family. He has hired a team of mercenaries to do his dirty work for him as The Regulators 
As you will discover when playing, they do not follow the orders of their boss willy-nilly like cult members. Equipped with high-end technological equipment, they still pose a threat that is not without danger.

Apart from Red Hood, we have already been able to examine solo footage of Batgirl and Robin. With that, all we have to look forward to is gameplay footage of Nightwing.