GTA Online: All info on the new car workshop, its prices and upgrades

new property of Los Santos Tuners
new property of Los Santos Tuners

With Los Santos Tuners, a new property lands in GTA Online that you can buy for a lot of money. We provide you with all the information about the garage including price, upgrades and more.

Los Santos Tuners not only brings the LS Car Meet and new cars to GTA Online, but also a new property: You can now buy a garage. In the following overview, we provide you with all the information about the functions, prices and which upgrades are worthwhile. Because before you spend a few hard-earned millions or get the Strawberry garage for free with Prime Gaming, you should know what you’re getting into.

All the info on GTA Online’s new Car Workshop

Features: What can the auto repair shop do?

The new car workshop in GTA Online has various functions.

Vehicle tuning: First of all, you can tune cars in your property (of course). If you have an active membership in LS Car Meet, all the options are even reduced in price by five percent. So in the long run, you’ll save a little money if you get your own garage and modify your vehicles there.

“Mini-heists as new missions”: Once you’ve bought a garage, you’ll be contacted by Undercover-Moodymann. “Kenny” or “KDJ” wants to gain a foothold in the criminal underworld of Los Santos together with his accomplice Sessanta and needs your help … and your money.

The garage gives you access to six different mini-heists, three of which are always available to you. These missions come with their own preparation missions, earn you between 100,000 and 200,000 GTA dollars when completed – and can be played solo or with up to three other players.

The heists are quite varied: trains, transporters, banks, a prison and more are waiting for you to relieve them of their treasures. The focus is always on fast-paced chases with the police, security services or other gangsters. In terms of gameplay, Kenny’s heists have a lot to offer.

Die neuen Mini-Heists sind allemal eins der Highlights des GTA-Online-Updates Los Santos Tuners.

Theft and sale of exotic cars: With the car workshop you also unlock the possibility to steal expensive cars and sell them at a high price. This works very similarly to Simeon’s missions: You steal a certain car in the open game world and deliver it to the docks. Wanted vehicles pop up randomly in the open game world and attract attention with a flashing blue symbol on the mini-map.

You earn 20,000 GTA dollars per car. If you have delivered all ten vehicles for the first time, you will receive a bonus of 120,000 GTA dollars. This means that you will earn a total of 300,000 GTA dollars when you have stolen and delivered all ten exotic cars.

Customer orders for tuning cars
: With the GTA Online car workshop you can also earn money in a legal way. Sessanta will contact you regularly so that you can modify cars for customers in your new property. If you fulfil all their wishes and deliver the car (personally) with as little damage as possible, you will be paid money. The rewards vary, but always amount to at least 20,000 GTA dollars.

Mit der Autowerkstatt von GTA Online könnt ihr sogar auf legalem(!) Wege Geld verdienen.

Prices: How much does the garage cost?
With the Los Santos Tuners update, GTA Online gives you the choice between five different car workshops, which differ in price accordingly. The costs for the basic versions of the new property are as follows for Maze Bank Foreclosures:

Mission Row: 1,670,000 GTA dollars
Strawberry: 1,705,000 GTA dollars
Rancho: 1,750,000 GTA dollars
Burton: 1,830,000 GTA dollars
La Mesa: 1,920,000 GTA Dollars

If you buy the most expensive version of the garage with all optional upgrades, your costs will add up to a total of 4,552,000 GTA dollars.

Get the garage for free: Prime Gaming subscribers who link their Rockstar Social account to their Amazon account can currently get the Strawberry garage for free. Even if you secure the Strawberry property after the fact, you should get the 1.7 million GTA dollars refunded.

Die Autowerkstatt von GTA Online könnt ihr über die Ingame-Website Maze Bank Foreclosures kaufen, sobald ihr dem LS Car Meet euren ersten Besuch abgestattet habt.

Upgrades: What modifications are there?

You can equip your garage with optical modifications. These are purely visual in nature, so they don’t add any gameplay value. The prices for the customisations are as follows:

– Style: from 250,000 to 450,000 GTA dollars
– Colour: 187,500 GTA dollars each
– Crew emblem: 154,500 GTA dollars

With playful use

What will staff me for a total of 770,000 GTA dollars

When you hire staff, you no longer have to personally deliver modified cars for customers – your employees will take care of that. One employee costs you 385,000 GTA dollars, with two you get 770,000 GTA dollars.

Does the staff pay off? No, because your staff regularly wrecks cars that have to be delivered and you get paid a reduced wage. So you can safely do without this upgrade – unless you want to at least breathe a little more life into your garage.

Eurem Personal der Autowerkstatt solltet ihr keine Fahrzeuglieferungen anvertrauen. Lasst sie lieber zuhause, wo sie der Werkstatt etwas mehr Leben verpassen.

What’s the use of personal quarters for 340,000 GTA dollars?

Your personal quarters in the garage contain a bed, a wardrobe and a weapons cabinet. This allows you to select the auto repair shop as your spawn point, customise your clothing and arsenal of weapons. The personal quarters for the garage will cost you 340,000 GTA dollars.

Is the personal quarters worth it? Yes, if you currently want to complete the new mini-heists or customer orders. Because with a spawn point directly in the garage, you save yourself the trip there.

Habt ihr in GTA Online eurer Autowerkstatt ein persönliches Quartier verpasst, dann könnt ihr sie als Spawn-Punkt auswählen - was nie schadet.

What’s the use of a car lift for 650,000 GTA dollars?

If you own a car lift, you can house and modify two cars at the same time for customers. If you buy the car lift for 650,000 GTA dollars, you will increase your income in the long run.

Is the car lift worth it? Yes, because with it you can neglect a customer order for the time being if you have better things to do. If you want to earn some extra pocket money with this kind of mini-mission, you can buy it with a clear conscience.

Der Fahrzeuglift lohnt sich vor allem für die Spieler, die mit der Autowerkstatt auch passiv etwas Geld verdienen möchten.

What do I get out of joining LS Car Meet for 50,000 GTA dollars?

You can get the LS Car Meet membership not only from Mimi in the corresponding social space of GTA Online, but also via the in-game website Maze Bank Foreclosures. What playful advantages this membership brings

Is the membership worth it? Yes, because 50,000 GTA dollars is not a lot of money in the world of GTA Online, while the membership in the LS Car Meet is linked to numerous new contents of Los Santos Tuners. An investment that can be easily absorbed, where the benefits outweigh the costs.

To sum it up here again: With the membership for 50,000 GTA dollars you unlock all the features of the LS Car Meet – such as the reputation system, new races, the test track and discounts on car tuning.

Die Mitgliedschaft im LS Car Meet könnt ihr nicht nur bei Mimi erwerben, sondern auch bei den Upgrades der Autowerkstatt auf der Ingame-Website Maze Bank Foreclosures.

What do you think of Los Santos Tuners so far? Have your expectations been met or disappointed? Let us know in the comments.