GTA Online for newcomers : important tips if you’re new in 2021


You want to start a criminal career in GTA Online and need help getting started? In our guide we provide you with helpful tips that will be useful to you as a newcomer

Just getting started in a multiplayer game years after its release is not easy. This is also the case with GTA Online, which is still very popular in 2021 and, above all, constantly enjoys new updates. That’s why we’ll tell you in our beginner’s guide how to get started in the online metropolis Los Santos.

We don’t just cover how you can earn money as quickly as possible as a beginner in GTA Online in 2021. Because if you want to enjoy GTA 5’s multiplayer mode in the long run, invest your savings wisely, start missions well prepared and know how best to deal with other players or even hackers and griefers.