GTA Online: How to find all Media Sticks and use the Media Player



With Los Santos Tuners, a new collectible lands in GTA Online: The Media Sticks. We tell you where you can find them and how to use the Media Player.

Los Santos Tuners not only brings fans of GTA Online a range of new cars and a new property in the form of the car repair shop, but also fresh music. However, not in the form of a radio station, instead you can now use the so-called media player.

To do this, however, you first have to find one of six different media sticks. In our guide we tell you where the new collectibles of GTA Online are hidden and how exactly you can use the media player.

This is what you get as a reward: In contrast to previous scavenger hunts, such as the search for Solomon’s movie props, the Media Sticks don’t bring you any money. You get a little experience points and can listen to the new music from Circoloco Records and Co. – there are no additional bonuses at the moment


How to find all Media Sticks

Media Stick 1: Blue EP

The Media Stick “Blue EP” can be found on the roof of the Diamond Casino Resort in Los Santos. So just land a helicopter on the building or use a lift to get to the roof. The media stick is located on one of the tables right near the hot tub.

Den Media Stick mit der Blue EP findet ihr auf dem Dach des Diamond Casino Resort.

Media Stick 2: Black EP

You can find the “Black EP” media stick at the LS Car Meet mod shop. Just run up to the mechanic who usually mods your cars and collect the Media Stick waiting on a red toolbox.

Den Media Stick mit der Black EP findet ihr beim Mod-Shop des LS Car Meet.

Media Stick 3: Violet EP

You can find the media stick “Violet EP” in any nightclub owned by a player – so not in the Music Locker. Go to your office to collect the media stick on Tony’s desk.

You can also collect the media stick if you don’t have your own nightclub. Simply enter the property of a friend or a stranger to get the Violet EP.

Den Media Stick mit der Violet EP findet ihr auf Tonys Schreibtisch in Nachtclubs.

Media Stick 4: Green EP

The “Green EP” media stick can be found on the bar of any arcade. So you just have to enter your own property or that of a friend or stranger to collect the Media Stick.

Den Media Stick mit der Green EP findet ihr an der Bar von Arcadehallen.

Media Stick 5: CLR Launch Party
The CLR Launch Party Media Stick will automatically be added to your inventory once you have collected the Blue, Black, Violet and Green EP.

Media Stick 6: Kenny’s Backyard Boogie

You can find this media stick at the LS Car Meet. Look for a Gauntlet Hellfire painted white with the boot open, with “MOODYMAN” written on the number plate. You can simply steal this EP from the car – but not always: Moodymann’s Hellfire is not always there and spawns randomly. So you need a bit of luck and patience.


How to use the Media Player

Once you have found one or all of the media sticks, you can listen to them via GTA Online’s media player: If you are using a vehicle, select the media player via the ring menu, which is also used to select your favourite radio station.

Just note that the media player will only play the media stick that you have selected. To select or swap media sticks, simply proceed as follows:

– Open the interaction menu via the M button
– Select “Inventory
– You can now switch between the different media sticks or EPs via the menu sub-item “Media Player”.

Den Media Player ruft ihr hinter dem Steuer eines Fahrzeugs über die Radioauswahl aus, den Stick über das Interaktionsmenü.

How do you like Los Santos Tuners? Are you happy with the new update for GTA Online or would you have hoped for more? Let us know in the comments.