GTA Online: Many fans love the new update, but hate two NPCs

‎GTA Online Many fans love the new update
‎GTA Online Many fans love the new update


Los Santos Tuners excites many players of GTA Online. But the community also agrees on a completely different point: Kenny and Sessanta are obnoxious.

Los Santos Tuners is the latest update of GTA Online, with which Rockstar earns itself a little bit of diligence. No wonder, since the wishes and needs of the most diverse types of players are fulfilled: There are new cars, new mini-heists, improvements in detail and, with the car workshop, a property to manage.

On RedditTwitter and YouTube the mood is mostly positive – if it weren’t for the two new NPCs that bring turmoil to the GTA Online community: KDJ and Sessanta. Because most players agree on the two Los Santos Tuners clients: they are obnoxious.


Who are the new NPCs of GTA Online?

While Sessanta is completely new to GTA Online, fans already know KDJ: The DJ Moodymann has already made several appearances in the multiplayer mode of Grand Theft Auto 5 and now returns “undercover” as a client.

When you visit the LS Car Meet for the first time, you make the acquaintance of KDJ and Sessanta. If you now buy the new car workshop as real estate, this is the beginning of a wonderful … friendship?

KDJ and Sessanta give you access to six mini-heists that can only be completed with the new cars from Los Santos Tuners. Sometimes we rob a train, sometimes a prison, sometimes we rob six banks in a row or shoot our way through a heavily armed bunker. So it’s not the actual content that’s the problem.

Why many fans can’t stand KDJ and Sessanta

Instead, many players have completely different and quite understandable problems with KDJ and Sessanta. We have summarised the most prominent points of criticism from Reddit and co. for you as follows

I really liked those mini-heists though from gtaonline

The attitude: Most players of GTA Online can already look back on an extensive criminal career. We have already robbed banks and casinos, snatched a drug lord’s valuable treasures from under his nose, own several multi-million dollar businesses and have even saved the world.

This does not impress KDJ and Sessanta one bit. Instead, the two not only doubt our abilities as drivers and professional criminals, they actually find fault with them. And while many phrases seem (and perhaps even are) tailored to newcomers and low-levels, veterans can only roll their eyes at the constant nagging.

Especially since, after all, we’ve invested up to four million GTA dollars in the garage and do the actual dirty work, only to be bossed around or talked down to by KDJ and Sessanta. Well.

No respect at all from gtaonline

The constant babbling: Many of GTA Online’s NPCs are characterised by their particularly pronounced need to communicate. And stupidly, they are all in possession of our phone number – including Sessanta and KDJ. And while at least at the beginning of many missions you can simply click away the clients, shortly afterwards you will hear unmistakable radio messages.

These often contain a lot of useful information, such as the further course of the upcoming robbery, but also a lot of inane chatter. Especially the inflationary use of Oedipus comparisons gets on the nerves of a lot of players.

Why can’t we do Contract missions with Hao and Mimi instead? from gtaonline

The (phone) sex: Hand in hand with the preceding point of criticism, many players would be only too happy to banish KDJ and Sessanta to the good old “Horny Jail”. After all, the two can’t keep their hands off each other and almost fall over each other in our dearly bought and spotlessly clean garage. No, thanks.

But it almost gets worse when the two are not in the same room and unload their sexual tension during a robbery in progress. Just imagine the following scenario: We are chasing a train at top speed and in a hail of bullets, with the constant cackling and cooing of two nymphomaniacs in our ears who are lacking in capacity.

*bonk* go to horny jail from gtaonline

They are not Pavel: Last but not least, many GTAO players are disappointed by the fact that KDJ and Sessanta are simply not Pavel – the proud captain of the Kosatka. Pavel is one of the more popular NPCs in GTA Online due to his friendly and outgoing nature and is considered a “true friend” by numerous fans.

No wonder, as Pavel entertains us with numerous anecdotes from Mother Russia, his gloating towards drug lord El Rubio and pinches extremely modest shares of our million-dollar hauls. Pavel is simply wonderful and any new NPC after him will struggle to step out of his shadow.

The fact that Mimi and Hao play a surprisingly small role in Los Santos Tuners adds to the weight for many GTA Online players.

The real Kapitan from gtaonline

What do you think of KDJ and Sessanta: Do the two NPCs from Los Santos Tuners annoy you as much as many members of the online community? Or do you have no problem with them at all? Let us know in the comments.