GTA Online: Many players run in circles for hours for cheaper cars

‎GTA Online Many players run in circles for hours
‎GTA Online Many players run in circles for hours

Since Los Santos Tuners, many play GTA Online without playing GTA Online: More and more players are making their character run in circles for hours on end for reputation points.

Los Santos Tuners has struck a chord with many old and new players of GTA Online. In fact, according to Rockstar, the update is “the most successful yet”. No wonder, there is not only a whole range of new cars, but also mini-heists, a car workshop as real estate and a new social hub with the LS Car Meet.

And it’s in the latter that you’ll find more and more players in recent days who do nothing but run around in circles for hours – as Kotaku and PCGamer, among others, have pointed out. What is this all about? Quite simply, it’s a way for players to farm reputation points in order to get the new LS Santos Tuners cars for less or unlock more content.

Afk climb the rank ladder

Why players spend hours running in circles: Los Santos Tuners gives players access to the LS Car Meet – the centrepiece of the new update. Here we can earn so-called reputation points to rise in rank and thus unlock cheaper purchase prices for the new cars, new tuning options and clothes.

A maximum of 1,000 ranks can be achieved, with most and most important content being unlocked from level 100. However, fans of GTA Online will have to invest some time in order to climb the ranks of the Los Santos underground car scene.

Players can therefore earn reputation points in various ways, but also simply by staying in the LS Car Meet. So if you want to move up in the car meet rank without much effort, just visit the LS Car Meet and spend some time there.

What role rubber bands play in this: So many players park their character in the LS Car Meet to earn reputation points easily. However, the character can’t just stand around, but must be given something to do to avoid being kicked out of the session.

That’s why fans of GTA Online fall back on a tried and tested method: plug a controller into the computer and connect the two analogue sticks with a rubber band – even if the hardware might suffer in the long run. This way, the character keeps moving and constantly earns LS Car Meets reputation points without being kicked out of the game.

That LS Car Meet Reputation Grind… 😎 from gtaonline

How else players earn reputation points: Afk hanging around in the Car Meet isn’t necessarily the best method, though, and especially not the most fun. According to the Twitter user Turkey, players should consider alternatives from rank 100 at the latest, as the reputation yield from this level onwards is simply too low. All the methods for earning reputation points for the LS Car Meet are as follows:

– How to earn reputation points for the LS Car Meet
– Visit the LS Car Meet once a day
– Attend the LS Car Meet once a day with a personal vehicle.
– Stay in the LS Car Meet
– Stay in the LS Car Meet wearing clothes from the Merch Shop
– Buy clothes in the LS Car Meet Merch Shop
– Modify a car in the LS Car Meet Mod Shop
– Enter the test track with a personal vehicle
– Enter the test track with a test car
– Complete a lap of the test track
– Complete a race in the test track
– Take part in a road race
– Take part in a pursuit race
– Take part in a sprint race

Will afk farming of reputation points be patched soon? Last but not least, fans should note anyway that Rockstar regularly patches methods for afk farming. So it’s only a matter of time before characters running in circles are kicked out of LS Car Meet and players have to resort to the “proper” ways of earning reputation points.