Guardevoir in Pokémon Unite – How to play the new attacker

‎Guardevoir in Pokémon Unite
‎Guardevoir in Pokémon Unite

Guardevoir is the first Pokémon to join the Pokémon Unite line-up after release – Find out how to play the attacker in our guide.

Guardevoir’s debut in Pokémon Unite ranks the elegant pocket monster among the ranged fighters on Wednesday. As an attacker type, Guardevoir thus has an impressive selection of attacks that should ideally deal oodles of damage. However, the impressive offensive stats are offset by low toughness and mobility, which players should adapt their strategy to.

Guardevoir starts the game as a Trasla and evolves into a Kirlia at level 6. At level 10, players have access to the fully developed Guardevoir.

Guardevoirs Items

Guardevoir needs the right Items that optimally support the maximum damage. For example, the Special Attack Goggles and Attack Weight are excellent contributors to Guardevoir’s raw offensive potential.

Another strategy would be to balance Guardevoir’s weaknesses instead of just supporting its strengths. A Light Stone would counteract the Pokémon’s sluggishness, while a Shell Bell could provide more toughness accordingly.

The actions at a glance

Special Attack 1

“Confusion” is a standard attack with a 4.5 second cooldown. It can be activated from a distance and is available from the start of the game. At level 8, players can choose to evolve it to Psychic and Moonblast. The former gives Guardevoir an aura that hurts enemies within it, causing AOE damage. It has seven seconds of cooldown from this point.

Beide Spezielattacken ab Level 8 richten auf die Distanz Schaden an. Der Unterschied zwischen ihnen liegt jedoch nicht nur in der Animation. Bildquelle: Pokémon Unite

Moon Violence is a bit simpler than Psychokinesis. When activating the attack, the projectile flies forward, sending Kirlia in the opposite direction. Opponents who are hit are stunned by the attack.

In a very combat-heavy game, psychokinesis is more recommended due to the AOE damage, but moon violence offers more advantages in many solo fights.

Special Attack 2

At the beginning of the game, Trasla has a teleport that not only transports it to a selected location, but also boosts its next attack. This action has an eleven second cool down. At level 6, it becomes either “Psycho Shock” (Psyshock) or “Seer” (Future Sight). The former deals up to three times damage directly in front of the player. Seer triggers a time-delayed explosion. If it hits another Pokémon, its cooldown is reduced by ten seconds.

Mit dem richtigen Timing kann die verzögerte Explosion von Seher zur tödlichen Waffe gegen feindliche Pokémon werden. Bildquelle: Pokémon Unite

You also have to keep an eye on the current game situation and the builds of the other players. Seer, with its AOE explosion, offers the possibility of a supportive or defensive play style in which opponents are caught or deflected. Psycho Shock, on the other hand, is good for making offensive plays with the necessary damage.

Unit Attack

Guardevoir’s Unite attack is called Fairy Singularity and is available at level 9 with a percentage cooldown. The action creates a gaping chasm on the map out of nowhere that sucks in enemies. As soon as enemy Pokémon disappear into it, they are pushed back and suffer damage. In team fights, this attack can be a decisive factor, but must be well coordinated with your own allies.