Halo Infinite appears incomplete: Two modes missing for release

‎Halo Infinite appears incomplete
‎Halo Infinite appears incomplete

The developers have to put two modes of Halo: Infinite on hold because they are not ready yet. Campaign Co-op and Forge won’t be coming until a few months later.

Halo: Infinite is supposed to be Microsoft’s big exclamation mark in the shooter genre. The developers apparently want to ensure all the more urgently that the quality claims are achieved. For this, however, players will have to bite the bullet.

As 343 Industries explained in a new developer video, Halo: Infinite will appear incomplete. The co-op mode of the campaign as well as the Forge mode will not be included in the release as previously planned.

Halo: Infinite is scheduled for release in 2021, an exact release date is not yet known. However, the developers want to name a concrete date “soon”.

This content is missing

Campaign Co-op: The popular campaign co-op, in which players can play through the story together, will now be added in the second season. This means that the mode will appear three months after release at the earliest.

Forge: The Forge allows multiplayer players to edit the maps and thus create their own play styles. The Forge mode for Halo: Infinite is scheduled to be released six months after release at the earliest, i.e. at Season 3.

PC-Splitscreen: In addition, the splitscreen mode will be missing for the release on PC, which will take longer due to technical difficulties. Exactly how long remains unclear. On Xbox, on the other hand, splitscreen is included at launch.

Halo: Infinite should still have a lot to offer even without the two modes. In addition to the campaign, what we have seen so far of the multiplayer mode raises hopes of a real thriller:

To the reasons

The developers emphasise that they simply need more time to be able to deliver the content in the required quality. In the video, creative director Joseph Staten explains:

“Our first priority is that whatever we put out, when we put it out, it reaches our quality standards, across all platforms. And when we looked at the co-op campaign and Forge, we found that they’re just not ready. We don’t want to release anything that’s not ready.”

You can watch the relevant part in the video starting at minute 17:00:

Staten also stated that the advantage of the planned live service is to be able to provide Halo: Infinite with content long after release. This is now joined by the campaign co-op and the Forge mode.