Halo Infinite: Free multiplayer mode surprisingly released

Halo Infinite Halo's 20th anniversary

There’s a present for Halo’s 20th birthday: Halo Infinite’s Free-2-Play multiplayer mode is now playable – in a beta.

On 15 November 2001, not only did Microsoft’s first Xbox see the light of day, but so did the first Halo. The shooter brand subsequently became the flagship product of the new console and the Master Chief is still considered the mascot of Microsoft’s games division today.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary, Microsoft has now come up with a real surprise: the multiplayer mode of Halo Infinite is now playable – for free! Officially, it is still a beta, but it already includes all the content of the multiplayer mode and even the Battle Pass from Season 1.

In the multiplayer mode you can finally test whether mouse and keyboard or the controller are better for shooting:

Halo Infinite: What’s in the Free-2-Play multiplayer mode?

Whoever wants to play the multiplayer mode of Halo Infinite only has to download – a purchase of the full version or a subscription to Xbox Game Pass is not a prerequisite. The campaign, on the other hand, will still only be released on 8 December and must be purchased beforehand.

Where can I download Halo Infinite?

The free multiplayer mode is available from both (Microsoft Store) and (Steam).

How big is the download of Halo Infinite?

You will need to download about 24 gigabytes.

What’s included?

The complete multiplayer mode including all game modes and maps. So this is not a cut-down version or a trial version. Instead, you can use all the features except for the aforementioned campaign.

How is it financed?

Through microtransactions, specifically through a Battle Pass system. With the release of the multiplayer beta, the starting signal for Season 1 Heroes of Reach has also been given. The Battle Pass contains free content on the one hand, but also a premium version on the other. This allows you to unlock various cosmetic content as a priority, including new weapon pendants, armour items, effects for your armour and much more.

How long does the season last?

The Season 1 Heroes of Reach runs until May 2, 2022.Originally, the seasons were only supposed to last three months each, however, the developers want to take a little more time to complete the content of the second season. For this reason, the first season will run a little longer than originally planned.

Does the Battle Pass expire?

No! Unlike in comparable games like Call of Duty: Warzone, you can continue the Battle Pass at any time – even after the end of the season. This means you are not under time pressure to complete the various challenges of the Battle Pass. A decision that has already gone down well with fans in the run-up to the game.

What do the player numbers look like?

A (Look at SteamDB) shows: Halo Infinite got off to a terrific start and was a complete success, at least at the beginning.

On the morning of 16 November 2021, just a few hours after the release of the Free-2-Play multiplayer mode, over 200,000 people are still playing Season 1 of Halo Infinite. At its peak, there were even already over 270,000 Master Chiefs chasing each other across the maps.

The interest in the shooter also seems to be enormous on Twitch. More than 250,000 viewers watched the first matches on the streaming platform, and the number has remained quite stable here as well.

Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see how the player and viewer numbers develop over the coming days and weeks. Only then will it become clear whether Halo Infinite has what it takes to stand up to MP colossi like Battlefield 2042 and CoD Vanguard in the long run.

What do the players themselves say?

Figures are all well and good, but what’s more important is what the people themselves are saying who are already playing Halo Infinite. That’s why we’ve dug through the more than 5000 reviews already posted, which are currently providing a mostly positive overall rating.

What about the campaign?

Halo Infinite’s campaign is not part of the Free-2-Play offering, nor has it been released yet. Here, the planned release date remains: On 8 December, the Master Chief is only allowed to set off again. However, not quite completely, because the release will be missing, among other things, the co-op mode:


The Forge, in which players can edit the Halo maps and create their own modes, is not yet part of the package. This will follow at a later date.

Now it’s up to you: Do you want to play Halo Infinite’s multiplayer? Will you try it out right away or does the world of Halo leave you completely cold? Feel free to let us know in the comments