Heartstone – Demon Hunter class unveils “You are not prepared”


After six years, Blizzard’s card game is getting a new class with the Ashes of Outland expansion. As the tenth class, demon hunter Illidan Hearthstone is reshuffling.

Aggressive hero ability and new keyword
As a special feature of its own, the tenth class has two points. One is the extremely favourable heroic ability “Demon Claws”. For just one mana, you get +1 attack on your hero and can quickly put pressure on enemies. As a second specialty, demon hunters have access to the keyword “Outcast”. This will increase the effect of the card if it is played from the left or right edge of your hand.

Of course, Blizzard is supplying a complete set of cards for the new class, so the newcomer can keep up with the other nine. You can get the full list on the developer blog here: Demon Hunter Introduced

However, if you want to start directly with the new class, you will have to be patient. Illidan’s story campaign will not be released until April 2nd, and from April 7th the demon hunter can be played outside the campaign.

Rework for Priests
But even away from the demon hunters, the classes get attention from the developers. Priests in particular are heavily reworked for the expansion. With a multitude of changes to the class’ classic cards, the class will be clearly buffed and even get six new cards for the standard set.

But also other classes get new Minions. For example, there are now locked-in demons that will rest for two rounds before their effects become active. But there are also class specific new features. Well-known characters like Kargath or Lady Vashj strengthen the arsenal of the other classes and especially the strong Prime variants should provide a new meta.

Further balance changes can be found in the complete patch notes here:
Patch 16.6 Patchnotes

With the new expansion there are of course many other changes at Hearthstone. For example, Blizzard is introducing a Tavern Pass for Battlegrounds, as well as changing rewards and the ranked matchmaking system. You can find all the information on the official site: playhearthstone.com