Helldivers 2: Fans discover life-saving bug and want to keep it, developer agrees


In real life, hugs can save you from emotional damage – in Helldivers it’s fall damage

The community ofHelldivers 2has discovered a new bug and, unlike usual, they want to keep it because it saves their lives. Fortunately, Arrowhead’s CEO is also on board and explains:“Where there’s a will, there’s a way. “

“Free Hugs “

Did you know that an emote can reduce the amount of fall damage you take in Helldivers 2? Don’t you think so? Then see for yourself:

To whoever said emoting reduces fall damage, thanks
byu/Chunke-Funke-Monke inHelldivers

The Helldivers shows his impressive body tension here – who would have thought that love of democracy could give you such abs?

Completely immuneto the damage, by the way, you’re not, the bug is practically balanced in itself and therefore already half a feature, isn’t it?

In any case, many players under the Reddit post are of the opinion that developer Arrowhead should simply keep the bug as a new surprise featurein the game By the way, it doesn’t matter which emote is used

Sergeantpancakeis of the opinion:“One of the few bugs/glitches that are too funny to remove. This has to stay! It looks silly, but it’s super funny.”Reddit userglockopsagrees: “Note to Arrowhead – this is not a bug – there is nothing to fix. “

The boss is on board

Shams Jorjani, Arrowhead’s CEO, even asksvia X(formerly Twitter) his own studio if they can keep the bug?

One user commented that this is the definition of“it’s not a bug, it’s a feature “. To whichJorjani replied:“If we have to, we’ll install inflatable bouncy bags that deploy under the armpits. We have the technology – where there’s a will, there’s a way!”

What happens to the bug now, whether it is removed or even becomes a feature, remains to be seen. Hopefully the community will have time to produce a video in which two players save each other from falling to their deaths using the close embrace emote.

Did you already know this trick or have you just learned something new and, above all, very useful? Let us know in the comments