Helldivers 2: Players wipe the floor with the new enemy faction just three days after the update


With Omen of Tyranny, fans finally face a third enemy faction, and they didn’t stand a chance against the Helldivers in their first encounter.

After months of hints and suggestions, fans of Helldivers 2 can now throw themselves into battle against the third enemy faction. The community has apparently been waiting for this, because more games than at any time since May 2024 are joining the fight on Steam. The Illuminati were unable to stand against such a superior force in their debut.

A triumph for the Overground community

Just three days after their release,the community of Helldivers 2 wiped the Illuminate off the map, and they are celebrating this in the following Reddit post:

In Just 3 days after their release, the community of 200k wiped the Illuminate off the map!!! – Helldivers 2
byu/BJgobbleDix ingaming

The image shows a map of the galaxy in which not one area belongs to the Illuminate and the contested sector where the battle ended has been 100 percent liberated.

On Steam, many players donned their favorite helmets and capes again and joined the fight against the “Squids,” as the Illuminate are unofficially known. According to SteamDB, at the release 150,000 concurrent players returned at peak times.

“Nothing brings the guys back from retirement faster than telling them we’re in the middle of a tentacle apocalypse,” , explains BuyMyBeams Stampy77 confirms this assumption: “I haven’t played for four months, but I answered the call.”

Of course, we also did our part in the fight against the squids:

Was it too early to be happy?

“Joel won’t be happy. We’ll have a real problem when the next attack comes,” explains AndreiRiboli in the comments, and others are also convinced that the Illuminate are retreating.

Joel is the game master of Helldivers 2, the developers control the threat situation in the galaxy manually to keep the community on its toes.

Like the other two factions, the Illuminati will be back again and again, and this time they may even involve the community in a three-front war with bots, bugs and squids. Of course, the update also includes new weapons,