Highland Keep wants to combine castle building with survival and even the main menu is a huge 3D world


The medieval game is supposed to be a mixture of survival and strategy. The creator of Highland Keep is now giving an update on his project.

Look at it, players, this is our kingdom. Everything the light touches. Highland Keep welcomes you in much the same way, only a little less like The Lion King. The start screen of the upcoming medieval game is now finished and already offers a view of the vastness of the Scottish forests.

The solo developer Kacper Szwajka posts updates on X again and again about his ambitious project, and there is a lot of work in the main menu for such a small indie title. Instead of creating a simple 2D background, the tech artist presents his 3D world in the menu. That’s why the image is not static: the branches and grass move in the wind.

In huge productions like Baldur’s Gate 3, the background is not static either, but for a single developer, it’s quite an impressive level of detail.

What is Highland Keep?

Szwajka wants to develop a mix of strategy and survival, with a dash of role-playing. You build your castle in Scotland, which you will also have to defend in due course. However, you probably won’t do this from an isometric perspective, but directly in the action in a third-person view. You will then also be directly involved in the fight and swing your sword yourself.

But before it comes to such large-scale skirmishes, you start small and have to ensure your survival. Typical for survival games, you collect resources, fight wild animals, and even weather conditions can become a challenge.

But it could still take a while before the game is released. Szwajka also states in the latest post that development is going well, but judging by the information so far, there still seems to be a lot of work to be done. There is no release period yet, and even a proper trailer is still missing, but you can already add Highland Keep to your Steam wishlist.