Hogwarts Legacy: All info on the preload, Early Access and when you can start playing


When do Preload and Early Access for Hogwarts Legacy start? When exactly can I start playing at release? We provide you with all the information and start times.

Harry Potter fans don”t have to wait much longer: On 10 February 2023, Hogwarts Legacy will finally be released, a role-playing game that many would-be wizards have wanted since childhood. And since some of you would like to start playing just in time for the release, the question arises: When does the preload start at all? When is Early Access available? And what is the exact release time?

We provide you with all the information on when you can download Hogwarts Legacy on which platform and start your school year as an up-and-coming wizard via Early Access:

  • Release and launch time: When exactly will Hogwarts Legacy be released?
  • Early Access: When will early access be available?
  • Preload: When does the download start for which platform?

Last update: Feb 7, 2023

All info about release, early access and preload

Release and launch time: When exactly will Hogwarts Legacy be released

Let”s first get to the release and launch times of Hogwarts Legacy. Namely, the specific dates of the Harry Potter role-playing game vary from platform to platform – not every version comes out on the same date or at the same time. So the launch dates and release times of Hogwarts Legacy are as follows:

  • PC: On 10 February 2023 at 7pm German time.
  • PS5 and Xbox Series X/S: 10 February 2023 at 00:00 hours German time.
  • PS4 and Xbox One: On 4 April 2023.
  • Nintendo Switch: On 25 July 2023

Early Access: when will it be available?

An Early Access phase is available for Hogwarts Legacy, allowing you to start playing up to 72 hours before the regular release. The specific Early Access dates are as follows:

  • PC: On 7 February 2023 from 7 p.m. German time onwards
  • PS5 and Xbox Series X/S: On 7 February 2023 from 00:00 hours German time

How do I get into Early Access? To play Hogwarts Legacy up to 72 hours earlier, all you have to do is dig a little deeper into your pocket: If you buy the Deluxe Edition for about 80 Euros or the Collector”s Edition (which is sold out by now) for about 300 Euros, you can make use of the Early Access of Hogwarts Legacy.