Hogwarts Legacy: Overview of all spells and their effects


We summarize all the spells for you and explain how spellcasting works in the role-playing game.

Hogwarts Legacy officially releases on 10 February 2023 for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. What could be more natural than to get an overview of all the spells you can throw around as a Hogwarts student?

We summarise for you all the spells and their effects, where you can get them and explain how magic actually works.

  • How spellcasting works in Hogwarts Legacy
  • All known spells at a glance
    • Basic spells
    • Spell Diamond Spells

    This is how spellcasting works in Hogwarts Legacy

    A total of 34 spells are waiting to be used in suitable situations and effective combinations. Four of them can be selected at the same time via a so-called spell diamond, the capacity of the diamond can be expanded in the course of the game to up to 16 slots for new spells – so you can switch back and forth between four spell diamonds with four spells each.

    Spells from the diamond have different lengths of cooldown, which, together with the combos, makes for tactical wizard duels.

    (The spell diamond can be freely assigned.)
    (The spell diamond can be freely assigned.)

    Each of these spells is colour-coded to a specific type – as many opponents use shield spells in the colour in one of these categories, only spells of the same colour are able to penetrate the shield. However, for using Unforgivable Curses (outlawed spells), novice wizards end up in Azkaban Wizard Prison (at least according to Lore). Most spells can be improved by talents, which not only makes them more effective, but also expands their areas of application.

    If the player strings together many combo attacks, ancient magic is unleashed at the touch of a button in the form of a spectacular finisher that tears opponents apart.

    (At full combo bar, ancient magic discharges in spectacular fashion.)
    (At full combo bar, ancient magic discharges in spectacular fashion.)

    All spells at a glance

    Basic spells

    All spells at a glance

    Basic Spells


    Quotient Magic

    Quotient Magic

    Quotient Magic

    Basic Spells Effect How to get
    Basic Spell Can be used well together with other spells for combo attacks Fig (Prologue, Gringotts Dungeon)
    Revelio Uncover Hidden Secrets Fig (Prologue, Gringotts Dungeon)
    Stupor This counter attack can stun opponents. Fig (Prologue, Gringotts Dungeon)
    Old Magic Causes massive damage and breaks through enemy shields
    Welcome to Hogsmeade quest
    Old Magic Litter Summons and throws ambient objects to break through shields Welcome to Hogsmeade quest
    Alohomora Level 1 Open level 1 locks Monitor Moon, mission “The Moon-Possessed Janitor “
    Alohomora Level 2 Open Level 2 Locks Master Moon, mission “The Man Behind the Moons “
    Alohomora Level 3 Open level 3 locks Housemaster Moon, “The Man Behind the Moons” mission on delivery of 13 Demiguise figure moons
    Protego Creates shield against spells and most ranged attacks Fig (Prologue, Gringotts Dungeon)
    Petrificus Totalus Can secretly knock out and permanently paralyse opponents Unlocked with Disillusionment.

    Magic Diamond Spells

    Spell effect spell type How to get
    Accio Things or persons can be drawn to. Power Ronan, first lesson in magic
    Change spell Changes shape and properties of objects in the space of desires Transformation Weasly, mission “The Room of Wishes “
    Arresto Momentum Slow down the time Control Kogawa, 2nd homework
    Avada Kedavra Destructive Death Spell Unforgivable Curse Guide Quest “In the Shadow of the Relic “
    Summoning Spell Summon items in the space of desires Transformation Weasly, mission “The Room of Wishes “
    Bombarda Causes an explosion if hit Damage Howin, homework
    Confringo Shoot a small fireball with a long range Damage Sebastian, Quest “In the Shadow of the Crypt “
    Crucio Does damage for time with torturous lightning Unforgivable Curse Sebastian, quest “In the Shadow of the Study “
    Depulso Catapults things or persons out of the way Power Sharp, 1st homework
    Descendo Tosses things or people to the ground Power Onai, 1st homework
    Disillusionment The spell disguises you and is necessary for sneaking. Benefit Sebastian, mission “Secrets of the Forbidden Ward “
    Diffindo Does damage via cut attack Damage Sharp, 2nd Homework
    Evanesco Makes objects disappear Transformation Weasly, mission “The Room of Requirement “
    Expelliarmus Takes away the weapon of opponents Damage Hecat, 2nd homework
    Flippendo Throws objects and opponents upwards and backwards Power Garlick, 2nd homework
    Glacius Freeze opponents, create blocks of ice or put out fires.  Control Kogawa, 1st homework
    Imperio Takes control of an opponent Unforgivable Curse Sebastian, quest “In the Shadow of Time “
    Incendio Incend the surroundings or opponents Damage Hecat, 1st homework
    Levioso Levitates objects or opponents Control Hecat, 1st hour defence against the Dark Arts
    Lumos Lightens the near surroundings Benefits Fig (Prologue, Gringotts Dungeon)
    Reparo Repairs damaged objects Benefit Ronen, reward for 1st teacher extra task, before Hogsmeade trip
    Snapsack Capture Animals Benefit lesson animal
    Animal Being Brush A brush for grooming animals Benefits Teach animal creatures
    Animal Being Food Animal Creature Food Benefits lesson animal beings
    Transformation Transforms opponents and objects into alternate forms Control Weasly, 1st homework
    Wingardium Leviosa Leaves objects suspended and then controls them Benefit Garlick, 1st homework

    Are you already playing Hogwarts Legacy? Which spells have you already tried and which are your favourites? What other spells from the Harry Potter universe would you have liked to see in the game? What is your impression of Hogwarts Legacy so far? Tell us about it in the comments!